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As it turns out, he had no choice.

After Xiwen symbolically solicited Warren's opinion, he directly decided on the itinerary to Desolate Star. However, before the plan was officially implemented, the trip was interrupted by an unexpected situation.

"The development of the two eggs is not very good."

Merck looked at the report from the instrument and said seriously to the careless and inexperienced male couple in front of him.

"What's wrong? Isn't it quite peaceful?" Warren questioned. After being irrigated with Sivan's energy, his body was repaired and he did not feel any obvious discomfort. Even if he were to fight a battle in an airship with two eggs in his arms, Warren felt that he could still get off the airship and perform a backflip.

The three bugs glared at each other.

Merck was silent.

What kind of parenting experience can an expressionless noble male worm and another expressionless former star thief male have? It's because his requirements are too high.

Merck followed Xivin's request and gave Warren another pregnancy check-up, but this time the test results did show that the health status of the two eggs was not optimistic. He explained, "Although the second trimester of pregnancy has been completed and the eggs have stably implanted, the two eggs are obviously smaller and less energetic than normal eggs."

"Does the egg in your stomach sleep most of the time and rarely interacts with you?" Merck looked at the two insects.

Xiwen frowned slightly. Indeed, he could only feel the egg when it absorbed energy. Warren on the side touched his belly, but there was no response to the two eggs in his belly.

After leaving the military headquarters, the two eggs gradually settled down. Warren thought for a time that it was Xiwen's energy that worked and successfully calmed the egg. His eyebrows gradually wrinkled, "What's going on?"

"It has a lot to do with the female body." Merck looked at the two insects seriously, "Not only the female body, but also the male father."

The reason why the birth rate of Zerg is low is because generally the male level is low, resulting in poor egg quality and easy abortion. And this is only the most basic reason. The more important thing is that the eggs of the Zerg are very delicate in the early stage, and can even be said to be fragile.

They are sensitive and fragile.

It requires a lot of energy and emotional investment.

"The smooth development of an egg requires not only the supply of energy, but also emotional communication and emotional investment in the spiritual realm between the male and female father."

"Don't look at these two eggs still in the stomach." Merck added, "The eggs with higher genetic levels and better talents are more sensitive and more sensitive to external perceptions."

Xiwen fell into deep thought. After a moment, he asked in a deep voice, "What is the worst result?"

Merck: "The egg does not want to come out and becomes a stillbirth."

"And the female body has difficulty giving birth."

This is not an isolated case.

Even if the eggs can barely come out, there are many cases where they are unwilling to break out of the shell due to lack of emotional care. The Zerg society has led to a strict hierarchy between male and female insects, and frequent bullying and abuse. The consequences of such behavior are directly reflected on innocent eggs.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now