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Bugs crawled on him.

Following the posture of a sub-female, she raised her eyes and stared at him with blue eyes.

Pretentious tone, but his eyes concealed his flamboyance and frivolity.

Such arrogance reminded Xiwen of the first time he met the star thief leader.

The swords are tense, and the gunboats are facing each other.

The star thieves were furious, and only Warren Clinton stood leisurely on the top of the aircraft. The turbulent gust of wind made his black hair flaunt, and his blue eyes were full of vigor.

He saw him.

The naughty smile erupted in an instant, "Sivan Jacob?"

"A beautiful and weak male insect like you should be treated as a female, and stay at home obediently waiting for the male master to come."

Like a flamboyant lion, and like a wild dog grinning its fangs.

Xiwen saw his wildness and lust.

like now.

Sivan watched Warren and narrowed his eyes slightly, there was a slight interest in the emerald eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips. The hand that hugged Chongzi's waist forcefully pulled Chongzi up and stuck it on.

Unprepared, Warren's chest pressed hard against Sivan's chest. The gap between the two worms is filled with a gap of zero. A cold white hand caressed his side face, his long crow-blue eyelashes drooped slightly, and his dark green eyes stared down.

"You are my female slave."

"No one is qualified to make you kneel except me."

Xiwen's final sound was biting clearly and pleasantly, and the emerald eyes seemed gentle and affectionate.

Warren's fingertips quivered imperceptibly.

In the next second, his whole body was stiff. This face was too bewitching, he quickly moved his gaze away, and focused his gaze on Fard.

The unruly worm smiled, and instantly directed the disaster to Xiwen.

"That's what your son said."

Watching the two worms sing together, Fard's anger was aroused to the peak. He jerked his hand up to yank Warren as if he were his female slave.

Forget about Xiwen, this kind of dog aristocrat who can only bully people also wants to suppress him?

His energy suffered, but his physical fitness did not. On the contrary, the strong body of the female makes his reaction more alert. Warren grabbed Fylde's hand, grinning savagely.

Threatening with a suppressed voice, "Old guy, pay attention to the occasion."

"I'm not your bug."

The moment he started, the marshal's expression froze.

Warren let go of Fylde's hand, stared at the marshal and smiled, "My lord, I didn't make the first move. I was acting in self-defense."

The Marshal frowned.

"Father male, Xiwen actually brought such a non-vulgar worm, and let him attack you." Lucille supported the angry Falder, sneered and mocked, "Sure enough, it was a lowly female slave." Born."

Do you think being raised by a female monarch is noble?

"Insects born of cheap females really like cheap..." Before Lucille's words fell to the ground, he was suddenly strangled by an invisible energy.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now