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"A warrant is issued."

Leaving the master's house, Xiwen went straight to the military headquarters. As he walked towards the office, he ordered the military female. The military female followed closely behind and quickly asked, "Sir, who are you arresting?"

Xiven looked at him, "Cru Andes."

"Lieutenant General Crewe...?"

Xiwen ignored the surprised look on the military female's face and continued to add, "Please ask Admiral Powers to come to my office again."

"Yes, sir." The military female responded and quickly conveyed the notice.

Five minutes later, General Powers entered the office.

"You finally can't stand this guy Crewe?" Powers pulled out his chair and sat down.

Powers was surprised to hear that the military female reported that Sivan asked Michael to lead the team to arrest Crewe. Although he knew that Xiwen suspected that there was a mole in the military and had been investigating Kelu, he did not expect that he would be arrested so soon.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you find the evidence?"

"Take a look." Xiwen didn't say much, and directly passed a stack of information and a backup copy of Nile and Crew's communication projection.

Bowers was silent for a moment, and then kept smacking his tongue.

"Is it really that kid Crewe?" He rubbed his chin, "No wonder he reacted the fastest and notified the troops in time that the Star Thief was coming to attack, but it turned out that he was the one who committed the robbery."

"What a pest." A sharp light flashed in Bowers' eyes, and an unknown person jumped directly to the rank of lieutenant general. "I'm afraid there's more to him than that."

Xiwen also knew.

If we want to settle accounts, the first person to bear the brunt is Jacob. Colluding with the officers and the Cholera Military Department, as for Nero and his group, Xiwen did not believe that these lizards did not interfere with it. Crewe hopes to be protected by Nile, and presumably he has done a lot of "good things" for these lizards.

"How did he know the Star Thief?" Powers wondered, "Did he directly sell the secret to Warren?"

"No." A dark light flashed in Xiwen's eyes, "Maybe there are still intermediate insects."

According to the clues he had and Warren's words, Crewe did not directly sell the secret to Warren. Assuming Warren didn't know, then there must be a mole among the Star Thieves.

And this mole can win Warren's trust.

Always there for Warren.

All clues once again point to Mia, who pretended to be a corpse.

Mia is not dead.

Xiwen has been able to confirm that this insect wants to hide everything from the outside world and will not hesitate to kill all the insects for a certain purpose...

"Do you suspect it's Mia?" Powers quickly received Xivin's brainwaves. But what exactly does this bug want to do? How did he escape from the military prison alive?

Powers was puzzled. Perhaps he would have to wait until Crewe was caught to find out.

"Don't worry, even if he cheats, but unless he is reincarnated, as long as he remains in the empire and in the main city, he will be unable to fly." Powers said the good news, "Our military female has been locked From Mia’s hiding place, you can catch bugs tomorrow.”

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