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Sivan came out of the cell without closing the barrier. He raised his eyes and met the curious gaze of the insect opposite. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the guillotine


Xiwen came out of the cell without closing the barrier. He raised his eyes and met the curious gaze of the insect opposite. He narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the bug for a few seconds, and then walked over.

His expression was bland, and his beautiful and harmless features gave him an inexplicable sense of oppression. The young Xiongzi immediately tensed up his nerves and stared at Xiwen nervously.

Xiwen adjusted his cuffs leisurely and asked casually, "What's your name?"

The pressure of SSS-level male insects is too strong, and the eyes will instinctively scare the insects. Xiongzi's scalp was numb, but he still said bravely, "What does this have to do with you?"

The unruly look reminded him of a certain insect.

Xiwen said, "If you still want to go out."

The male in front of him looked either rich or noble, and the prison guards treated him with great respect. The male didn't think about it for too long, and after a moment he relaxed, "Lepos Domino."

After getting the name, Xiwen walked out of the prison without saying much. Outside the prison, prison guards are waiting. Xiwen glanced at him and ordered, "Send me the information about the insect named Lepos."

Prison guard: "Yes, sir."

Back in the office, Xiwen's optical brain immediately started ringing. What came was not the information about the bug named Lepos, but a message from a subordinate. The content is roughly that Nile's team delayed the withdrawal from the main city for various reasons.

The next item is an accusation from his nominal male father, Falder, accusing him of going against the family and destroying the alliance between the Zerg and the Lants. And ordered him to return to his master's house before Friday.

Xiwen didn't say anything.

Nile would not willingly withdraw the garrison in the main area, which was what he expected. He ignored Falde's message and replied to his subordinates: No need to take into account feelings.

In less than a minute, the reply message came again. It reads clearly, [But my lord, your male father, Duke of Farde, put pressure in the name of the Insect Emperor, intercepted our escort team, and invited Nero and his party to your family to practice for them...]

What a practice.

Xiwen sneered, his eyes filled with coldness.

It seems that he has not returned to his master's house for a long time, and it is time to go back.

There is a "ding" sound, and the third message is received.

It's Leppers' personal profile.

At the same time, Warren was extracting information from Lepers.

The cell barrier was finally closed, and Lepers craned his neck to look at Warren's figure. Upon entering, he saw the female insect lowering her head, holding one hand on her waist and the other on the wall.

"Hello?" Leppers called.

Warren raised his head in response, met Lepers' gaze, and said "Hi" stiffly and with a bit of gritted teeth. He seemed to have just finished taking a shower, the broken hair on his forehead was wet, and his face showed varying degrees of redness.

But it hasn’t reached the point where the hot water is turned on.

Leipers noticed his messy breathing rate and the blue and red marks on his neck, and thought of the heavy breathing and the sound of objects rubbing against objects that he vaguely heard shortly after the male insect entered. He suddenly had a jaw-dropping guess...

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now