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As soon as Warren got off the ship with the male cub in his arms, a group of Lants came into view.

The unkind lizards all stared at the male cub in his arms, and Warren suddenly became wary. The lizards had a clear goal and stretched out their hands directly towards the little male cub!

A lizard struck first.

"Seeking death."

Warren looked stern, and yanked the lizard's claws hard and sharply. Instantly, the sound of claws being dislocated was heard.

Immediately afterwards, there was a heavy throw over the shoulder.

Warren stepped on the lizard's head and glanced at the surrounding lizards with murderous eyes, "Who dares to try."

He would never let his cubs be taken away from him.

Swords were drawn, and the lizards surrounded Warren.

A lizard without eyes wanted to attack Warren directly, but was immediately stopped by a shout.


Mia said coldly, "Who asked you to do it?"

As soon as Mia spoke, the lizard's movements slowed down. Warren narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that Mia's status among these lizards was higher than he expected. At least Nero liked him very much.

A dark light flashed in Warren's eyes, and then he stared at Mia coldly, "If you dare to let them touch my baby, I will let you meet our old buddy."

Upon hearing this, Lizard quickly looked at Mia, "Lord Jon, this is General Nile's order."


Warren's expression was cold, and he stared at Mia. If Mia dares to make a choice that is not beneficial to his cub, then he dares to die with Mia.

In fact, he understood the bug's mentality.

Warren knew that Mia didn't dare to violate his bottom line.

Mia's feelings for him have reached a level of paranoia. The reason why he dared to follow Mia was because he took advantage of Mia's feelings for him. Warren was certain that the insect did not dare to endanger his life and that of the male cub.

Apparently, he made the right bet.

Mia did not directly let the lizard take away the male cub, but said, "I will personally deliver the male cub to General Nile without your help."

Mia was deeply trusted by Nero, and the lizards had no choice but to give up.

The Lante team was dismissed. Mia looked at Warren and said, "Warren, don't be too nervous. At least it is your cub. How could I hand it over to Nile so easily?"

Even so, he couldn't completely believe Mia's words. How could he trust an insect that could kill his companions for his own purposes? Warren was disdainful in his heart, but his face remained calm.

After a moment, he stared at Mia carefully, trying to appear helpless and could only cling to the driftwood in front of him, "Are you still worthy of my trust?" 

Mia smiled, "Of course, Warren, you can trust me." 


He said firmly, "If you betray me again..." 

The words stopped abruptly. As if he didn't want it to happen again, Warren returned to his cold demeanor, while Mia was still making promises. He knew he had the bug in check. Warren put away his expression and followed Mia into the Lante base. 

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