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Hazy consciousness.

The cold voice brushed against the wet earlobe and penetrated into the ear, and the sleeping Warren suddenly opened his eyes.

Instantly he met a pair of dark eyes.

This was a face that was engraved into the bone marrow and could not be forgotten, especially the beautiful curve of the corners of the other person's lips. Instantly, an alarm went off in Warren's mind.


There was only one thought in his mind.

But suddenly he found that he was pushed to the ground, and his limbs were imprisoned by the male worm, making him unable to move. The male's knees were squeezed between his legs, and his long golden hair hung down. The cold hair brushed the bridge of his nose and lingered on the side of his face, like an inseparable web that weaved him together.

Xiwen actually caught up with him!

"Where did you take me?" Warren couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

However, the male insect above did not answer. The light and shadow swallowed up most of his face, leaving only a pair of deep and gloomy eyes reflecting his figure...

Silence, so silent that only the intertwined breathing of the other person was left.

The terrifying sense of oppression made Warren feel suffocated, and the resistance of his hands and feet seemed to be of no avail. His heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly heard the howling of the yellow sand blown up by the strong wind outside the house, and the roar of wild animals in the gunfire, and then he realized that he was on a desolate star.

And this is the base of the Star Thieves.

Xiwen would appear here like this?

Warren's mind was in confusion. He struggled to get up, raised his head and bumped into Xiwen.

"Go away!"

But his imprisoned body was unable to exert enough force, making it impossible for him to deliver a "fatal blow" to Xiwen. Those green eyes stared at him, "Why do you want to let go?"

The smile does not reach the eyes, making the insects shudder. During the confrontation, Xiwen's hand touched his face, from the brow bone to the bridge of the nose (above the neck).


Point the slightly sunken lip peak and slide it over the Adam's apple (above the neck)


Continue to slide down slowly (above the neck)

"And here."

Through the trembling (not undressed) clothes, his fingers finally stopped on Warren's abdomen (just pressed it) - the place of two lives (pregnant with a child)

Pregnant female insects can easily be hooked to the mental tentacles that are ready to move (Zerg setting), not to mention the eggs (which are children) that are eager to be irrigated. The weak spiritual tentacles wrapped around their male father, instinctively absorbing energy (the spiritual energy of the Zerg is in the brain, above the neck).

But Warren was still resisting stubbornly, unwilling to give in.

Seconds, minutes, so long that it seemed like centuries had passed. But no matter how strong the will is, it cannot withstand the deliberate guidance (lure) of the male insect. The spiritual tentacle actually touched the tip of his spiritual tentacle, and the strange touch was transmitted to him, instantly making Warren's eyes red.

In the uncontrollable trembling, the tips that could no longer resist the desire finally touched together. He heard Xiwen say:

"Where does this say 'get out'?"

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now