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Mia grabbed Warren's arm, raised her eyebrows and asked in a deep voice, "Did you do this?"

After receiving the notification that an insect had broken into the royal family and hearing that Warren was on the scene conducting the hunt, Mia's first reaction was to link Warren to the matter. It's not surprising that he thinks so, because from his perspective, Warren himself is suspicious.

Warren had always wanted to overthrow Nero, most likely in secret.

But the question is...who is the intruder?

Mia looked confused.

Seeing Mia's expression, Warren turned around and held his wrist, "I'm about to go find you."

"I admit it."

"I did it on purpose."

"But the intruder has nothing to do with me, and now is not the time to dwell on this point." Warren looked at Mia steadily, "Listen to me, Mia."

"We need an opportunity." Warren analyzed calmly, "Nero controls most of the discourse and unites the lizards. What we have to do is to pry it and let this group of lizards fall apart from the center." 

He was originally worried about how to clear away the suspicion, but coincidentally, there were several ready-made intruders here.

Warren said firmly, "However, it is impossible for bugs that can break into our territory to destroy the main controller in the monitoring room without being discovered by the guards alone." If he wants to investigate the hiding place of the Insect King, he must first get rid of the main controller.

But Warren looked magnanimous, faced Nero's sinister eyes, and calmly put the blame on the intruder, "I don't think it's the fault of those few bugs that broke into our territory." 

Mia couldn't help but glance at Warren, and saw Warren lowering his eyes, with an unnoticeable curve at the corner of his lips.

Whoever touched the main controller was, of course, Warren Clinton. 

Who damaged the main controller in the monitoring room? When they heard that the punishment was to be taken to the laboratory as a test subject, all the lizards became frightened. Compared to death, being a test subject is worse than death. 

The pale lizard shook his head, they also discovered it just now. The enemy insects have all lurked in the nest, but these lizards still don't know anything about it. Nile said sadly, "If we can't find out, they will be skinned and used as experimental subjects."

 "We can't even defend the main control room!" Nile was furious, reaching out and trying to strangle the lizard to death, "Who damaged it?"


The moment the words fell to the ground, Nile was completely angered and gave the lizard a slap in the face. The main controller failed, and it happened at this very moment tonight! Lizard instantly became excited and stammered, "General... the people below said that the main controller in the monitoring room is damaged..."

 Nile's eyes were sinister and sharp. He had never let go of his suspicion of Warren, but he was still exploitable and couldn't take care of Mia. He stared at Warren and asked the lizard beside him, "Have the surveillance images not been retrieved yet?" "Just lurking on my territory." 

Nile did not miss the slightest bit of Warren's expression, "These useless things didn't find any trace of each other, and they couldn't catch them all night. Is it possible that they can still escape with wings? Or..." The meaning of temptation is self-evident. "What else?"

Nile narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Warren, "They are just a bunch of trash. There were bugs lurking into my territory last night. You should also know, after all, I heard that you were also there." 

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