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Over the past few days, the royal family was almost turned upside down by the lizards.

The greater the intensity of the search, the easier it is for Xiwen and other insects to be exposed. The hidden passage was not discovered by Nile, and the detection was completed. It was logically time to evacuate.

The best option is to get out immediately.

But Xiwen appeared in front of Warren more and more often disguised as a female...

Just as now, Warren glanced at the "Asian Female" standing not far away. The moment their eyes met, Warren narrowed his eyes slightly.

He naturally looked away and said coldly to the lizard, "Search carefully! If we still can't find him, General Nile will get angry and we will all be finished."

Warren did not stay any longer and walked straight towards Mia in front of him. Mia paused when she saw Warren coming. The two insects looked at each other, and Warren suddenly held his wrist.

"Warren?" he asked aloud.

"I have something to tell you." Warren lowered his voice and slid his thumb on Mia's wrist a few times with unknown meaning.

He looked at the insect in front of him, the corners of his lips curved just right. The blue eyes are extremely focused, creating the illusion of "affection" under some illusion.

Warren would not take the initiative to have physical contact with him, so Mia was a little flattered by this sudden action. As he was about to move, he couldn't help but fall into it.

Mia lowered her head slightly in cooperation, her Adam's apple rolled, "You say."

Unlike Warren's fake affection, the fascination flowing from Mia's eyes is enough to make the scene look fake.

Warren curled his lips.

He knew Sivan was watching him.

His hand moved from Mia's wrist to the side of her face, his gesture was intimate, and his warm breath was sent to the other person's ear. The lips open and close, like an illusory kiss.

"Plan ahead."

The moment these words came out, Mia paused slightly.

He thought...it turned out that Warren just wanted to inform him of changes in plans.

The slight disappointment showed in Mia's eyes, Warren caught it, and then smiled. His smile was charming and full of bewitchment, "We only have each other."

"Mia, I leave my back to you." Every word struck Mia's heart until it was extremely rippling.

"When everything is over..."

Warren slowly withdrew his stroking hand, and the gentle words on his lips stopped abruptly. However, this gave the other party unlimited room for imagination.

The intimate gesture between the two insects made the insect look sideways, and a cold light suddenly stabbed over. Warren simply ignored this powerful sight. He left the lizard team behind and walked deeper into the corridor with Mia.

Around the corner, the two insects disappeared.


"You're chasing me."

I don't know how long it took, but it was faster than Warren expected.

He used Mia to try to lure Xiwen into taking the bait, and sure enough, Xiwen chased after him. Mia had already been sent away by him for other reasons, and only he and Xiwen were left in the hidden space, facing each other face to face.

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now