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As the number one criminal, the military will not release Warren easily. But Xiwen is...

Half an hour later, Sivan fulfilled his promise and took Warren out of the interrogation room.

As the number one criminal, the military will not release Warren easily. But as Warren's hero, Xiven has the right to apply for special supervision for Warren on the grounds of worm pregnancy.

He took Warren home and supervised him personally.

As soon as you enter the door, the familiar smart house bug comes out to greet you. However, Warren keenly discovered that there were two insect shadows missing, and the twin females were no longer there.

Seemingly understanding what Warren was thinking, Xiwen said, "Send them back to their master's house."

Warren paused.

The two sub-females were sent back to the Jacob family, which meant that apart from the intelligent houseworm in front of them, he and Xiwen were the only ones in the whole house...

24 hours, closed house.

He and Xiwen are two worms.

For a moment, Warren felt suffocated.

"Aren't those two nymphs quite interesting?" Warren said. He vaguely remembered the interesting and squeamish little nymph. I don’t know why the other party offended Xiwen and was thrown back.

What will happen to the sub-female who is sent back by the main insect?

I'm afraid it's just a little better than the female bugs in the exchange.

Even if the pair of girls had served Xiwen for so long, the end would still be the same.

Warren's expression darkened.

"How are you speculating on me?" Xiwen suddenly said.

"They are sub-females, and sub-females are much more precious than female bugs." Xiwen said lightly, "Bella and North grew up with Winn, and Winn's female father liked them very much."

Even if they are sent back, Winn and his female father will take care of them to some extent.

the most important is.

Xiven looked at Warren, "It is impossible for me to keep the Jacob family's spy."

Hearing this, Warren provoked, "So you left me as an enemy insect?"

Repatriated Jacob's informant, but left behind a star thief?

Warren speculated that he did not understand Xiwen's thoughts, and he did not want to think deeply. His intuition told him that the more he thought about it, the more the answers he would get would put him in danger.

"Under normal circumstances, I do not leave enemy insects behind."

"The enemy insects that took the initiative to provoke me are all dead." Xiwen Shiran said.

Those green eyes looked straight at Warren without concealment.

"I only keep you."

A slightly raised final sound rolls out from the tip of the tongue, and there is a bit of ambiguity in the ambiguous attitude.

"So -" Xiwen plucked at Insect's heartstrings and said slowly, "After Bella and North are gone, you can help me look after the house."

A smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and his calm and composed breath floated away.

But Warren had the urge to escape, and his heart became very strange, like a bag being tightened, and then loosened again due to the words of this insect...

[Zerg] When The Enemy Turns Into a Female Where stories live. Discover now