Becoming Part Of Their World - THH

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This scenario is about how you got adopted/how you became their child!

Makoto Naegi:

For a while now Makoto had been considering getting a child. He was financially stable, and although he'd be a single dad that wouldn't really stop him from trying to raise you as best as he can!

The adoption however didn't go as he thought it would. He wasn't really ready.

One night, right after he had gotten home, there was a knock on his door. Thinking it might have been one of his friends he hadn't seen in a while he opened the door, but he was greeted with a small basket.

A fuzzy blanket was covering it. And a note had been stuck on top of the basket. The note read:

I left this child here so it can be in safe hands. I, the mother, can't afford to keep it. Please, take good care of her. Her name is Y/N, please don't tell her you aren't her biological parent, I don't want her to suffer through that.

The person who left this basket had been carrying heavy responsibility on their shoulders, Makoto could tell. He picked up the basket and brought it inside, closing the door carefully behind him. He has a child in his care now. Sure, he could put it up for adoption but his heart wasn't set on that.

Makoto pulled back the fuzzy blanket slightly, just to reveal your small face. You were sleeping. Whilst the situation that would change the course of your life was unfolding, you slept without a care.

He smiled to himself,"Hello, Y/N.." He muttered. As if you heard what he said in your sleep you giggled and smiled.

Of course, you were just having a good dream but it was enough for your new father, Makoto Naegi.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

Kyoko was busy enough as it is, she was a full time detective. She had followed in her grandfather's footsteps, and her ancestors before him. Well not quite. The Kirigiri lineage would never actually publically make themselves known as detectives. She didn't really make herself known, but rather worked in many well-known cases and worked closely with the police.

She didn't really have time to spend with her friends, and even if she did she's space out during a conversation going through all possible ways the victim of the case she was working on was killed and by who they were killed.

All of that would slightly have to change, however.

Kyoko had just been to court to give extra evidence to the defense lawyer she'd been working with. The lawyer suggested she stay at court for today to see how things go. She agreed.

By the end of it, the defendant was found not guilty. The defendant stated back into everyone watching the court proceeding go down. They looked to someone sitting beside Kyoko. That someone was holding a small baby. Earlier Kyoko had assumed that baby was the person's but there was a situation the baby wasn't theirs.

And she was right. That baby wasn't theirs. Kyoko was one of the last ones to leave the courtroom. Well, not before being asked something. Before she got up the person who'd been sitting next to her walked over, holding the baby gently,"Excuse me, miss... This baby.. It isn't mine. It was the victim's.. I can't look after her.." The person stated,"You look like a trustable person.. I don't want to put a burden onto your shoulders but, would you be able and willing to look after her?" Kyoko wasn't sure how to react.

Sure, Kyoko looked calm as can be but on the inside she was somewhat shocked. She was used to denying important things and sacrificing most things for something else. But she couldn't say no, this time. This was the first time she'd been asked to look after a child, of course she couldn't say no.

She was still calm as she nodded,"I am.." Were the only words she muttered. The person handed the baby over,"Thank you... Please, take good care of her.. I'm sure her mother will be happy.." And with that Kyoko was left with the baby. She didn't know if you had a name, so she decided to name you herself.

"I guess I am your mother now, Y/N Kirigiri.."

Byakuya Togami:

Being of the Togami lineage, he needed an heir to succeed him. But he had decided to do it differently, he wouldn't have 12 kids "fight" for their chance to be on top and almost cause their own deaths because of it. He had decided he'd have atleast 3 children of varying ages, and each of them would help with the business equally.

Although he could've settled for adoption, he wouldn't. He didn't want filthy children entering his mansion. He got a surrogate. Atleast he'd know who his child was from and he'd know the child was clean.

Byakuya had just been notified the surrogate had gone into labour, his first heir was on its way. However although he could see the child a few hours after it was born, he didn't want to have to walk into a hospital with sick and dying people in it. He requested to atleast be safely escorted inside the hospital, as he'd put it.

And then after hours of waiting, he was able to hold the child he was finally able to call his. He was finally able to hold his first heir.

Mondo Owada:

Surprisingly he didn't sleep around with girls. He wasn't actually the type. Sure, he was the leader of the most well known biker gang in Japan but that meant nothing sometimes.

Mondo had wanted a child of his own for a small while now. But here's the catch:

He was terrified that if he had a child it would be the target of other biker gangs.

Other gangs had the tendency to take something precious to another gang's leader just to threaten them. Mondo was scared it'd happen to his child. But even with the fear built up inside he adopted a child.

He just hoped nothing would really happen to it, mostly. He also wasn't sure about his own parenting skills, what if he raises you wrong?

He'll probably ask Ishimaru if he knows anything about parenting something after he adopts you.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

Ishimaru knew what he was doing from day 1. You know, he always practically knows what he's doing. He's set on desicions and chooses what's either best for him or the people he wants it to be good for. And that might've been annoying some times but it didn't stop him.

Safe to say he knew he was adopting a child. He had everything set out. He had basically everything a baby needs. He read up on basically every skill needed. He had documents he might need for an adoption. He was extra prepared.

The day he went to adopt you went smoothly as possible. You were tiny, you were a 1 year old after all. The moment he actually got to hold you, however, was the true moment he felt happiness out of this.

When he brought you home he let you sleep in your brand new crib, of course he kept a watchful eye on you, what type of parent would he be if he let you get hurt on pure accident?

Ishimaru knew he wouldn't actually live to regret this, and he would be right.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now