Request - Gundham Tanaka pt. 2

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Requested by @Octogirl79! I'm so sorry this took so long, I for some reason struggled on this part-

Any requests belong to the request page at the very start.

I hope you enjoyed part 2!
The siblings scenario won't apply to the other scenarios.


You didn't really need siblings. You were fine with if just being you, your father and the multitude of cats, dogs and hamsters in your care. However one day something turned wierd.

You were walking the dogs with your father, until one of the dogs began pulling away from your father,"Hellhound no!" Your father let himself be dragged along with the dog, motioning for you to follow him with your other dog.

Soon the dog who's leash you were holding also began dragging you toward the same spot. When you'd finally arrived, it was a wierd sight to see.

A little kid. Crying. They were probably around 5, seemingly lost his parents or had been abandoned. Your dogs sat in front of him, licking his face to which he giggled,"Are you alright?" You heard your father say, reaching out a hand to him. The little boy looked up,"Have you been abandoned by your carers, little one?" The kid couldn't understand him,"Did someone leave you here?" You translated.

The kid nodded,"Daddy left me 'cause mommy said I wasn't good enough.." He explained. The kid took your father's hand, standing up,"Is that so? Then you may stay at our castle for the time being." Gundham said, petting one of the dogs.

It was only a few days later that it had been decided your father would adopt the kid. The animals loved him, and you found him like an amazing little brother.


Usually you were responsible enough to be left alone. At times, however, your father had to choose who's care to leave you in.

One of his best friends lived abroad, of course he couldn't bring you there. There was one other person he would trust the most to look after you, more than Daycare and more than an actual babysitter: Kazuichi.

A lot of the times you needed to be taken care of your father would bring you to Kazuichi, with full trust.

It was time for your father to pick you up from Kazuichi's house. He calmly knocked on the door, and when it opened he saw you with a bruise. He jumped when he saw you, seeing Kazuichi standing behind you.

"What in the heavens happened!?" Gundham exclaimed. You had a big smile on your face like it didn't hurt,"She ran into the garage door.." Kazuichi explained in disappointment.

Gundham sighed, thanking Kazuichi and taking you back home.


You weren't too keen on sports, earning that quality from your father in a way. He himself would always skip sports day in school, and so did you. Usually it would run smoothly, just you sitting out in PE but your substitute teacher had a different plan.

Here you were on the way home, handing your father your detention slip,"Not participating in PE? Those fools can't remember your reason for sitting out?" He asked.

"It was a sub.. She didn't know.." You replied, tightening your grip on his hand as you spoke. Gundham sighed,"Fine then."

He wasn't too bothered if you sat out for PE or any type of sport in general, but he was bothered that you couldn't really escape from class like he used to. Now you have to tell the teachers why you're sitting out, which just sounds dumb.

"Next time you have a substitute teacher, reign hell upon them that you cannot participate. If they put you in detention once more I shall have a talk with them." Your father stated, opening the door to enter the house.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now