Siblings - V3

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Miu's and Kokichi's are half assed, yes. I apologise, it's easy to run out of ideas and stuff and for me personally I'm not usually sure how to make some of these longer.

Kaede Akamatsu:

You didn't know it at first of course. You didn't know that she was pregnant with another kid, and that that kid was gonna be your little sibling.

It was like a normal day after you'd gotten home from school. You were just sitting in your room getting ready for your violin recital when your mom walked into the room,"Y/N, can we talk about something before you go to your recital?" You nodded.

She sat down on your bed beside you and broke the news. You couldn't really believe it at first. Kaede chuckled,"I should've told you after the recital, actually." you shook your head and hugged her, tightly.

She hugged back,"So I'm gonna be a big sister?" you asked. Kaede nodded,"Mhm! I hope you're a good example to your little sibling, okay?" you nodded in response.

You turned up to the recital absolutely pumped and did your best on stage. You hoped your little sibling would enjoy your violin playing when you were both older.

Shuichi Saihara:

You had a friend in school who didn't necessarily have the best home life you'd say. And at one point you had asked your dad to help him out, and after a bit of nagging he agreed. Shuichi had a team help him investigate what was going and after a bit your friend's neglective parents were put in jail.

But your friend had nowhere to go, his parents were gone and his grandparents... Apparently they were just unavailable. That left you with one option:

Beg your dad to adopt your friend.

You can imagine how that went. That was A LOT of nagging, and I mean A LOT LOT. At one point you felt like you were being a bit greedy and wanting a lot but it was for the better. Your friend could keep going to your school and you'd be together all the time.

And one day without telling you, he did actually adopt your friend. So now you had a 1 month older sibling.

You were walking out of school with him and walked over to Shuichi's car, which Shuichi was leaning against and reading something on his phone,"Dadddd!!" You hugged him. He hugged back,"Hi Y/N, hello Kai." Kai waved as in to say hello. You pouted,"So did you think about it like I said?" you were referring to you repeatedly asking him to adopt Kai.

Your dad nodded,"I did.. And i need to surprise both of you with something. Get in the car." he said. You both nodded and Shuichi drove all of you down to your house. He told you to run up to your room. Opening the door to said room, there were too beds,"Wait.... YOU ACTUALLY ADOPTED KAI!?" Both you and Kai were extremely happy.

Safe to say both of you were unable to sleep that night because you couldn't stop giggling at stupid jokes each of you made.

Maki Harukawa:

You could tell something was immediately off. Sure your mother loved you and cared for you dearly, but most times she felt quite a bit emotionless. Not today. Today, you would say, she was a bit too caring.

And so you went to ask your dad why she was acting like that and all his response was,"Don't worry, you'll figure out later." Kaito was having way too much fun seeing you being confused at Maki. Also you had zero clue what he meant by that so you looked even more confused.

That ended until they both actually broke the news to you, and you needed a bit of time to process. At the time in science you were onto the topic of human biology, aka how babies were made and what parts are contained in... That area.

And by god you were slightly mortified because now you know what they did, and you couldn't really imagine it but the look of shock and horror on your face made everything all the more funny and awkward. Well awkward to you, and funny to Kaito.

You were slightly traumatised for the next few days, but you were happy you were gonna have a little sibling.

Miu Iruma:

You were NOT able to sleep last night, and you could guess why. You did not DARE to move either, even if you desperately needed the toilet.

And so, the next day and the day after you're like almost falling asleep whilst eating breakfast because you were practically traumatised from that. And then with the most casual, actual serious tone your mother says,"By the way, you're gonna have a little sibling." Sure, you were intruiged but like hell did you want one currently. Not after you heard what you did that night.

And then, hear me out, Miu went back to doing whatever the hell she was like everything was normal. Damn did you need Keebo for moral support right now because you definitely weren't gonna get it sitting at the dining table.

Kokichi Ouma:

Hahahahahah, siblings? That's funny. Hahaha... Haha... Ha........ Honestly you were sure how to feel about siblings, but you could learn a language and then teach them the language and since your dad wouldn't know it you had a secret way to talk.

Yeah currently that was the only positive you could think of. And so came the day you'd be waiting home for your dad to come back from adopting a child younger than you that's probably taller than you.

Now, your first impression was that the kid was actually pretty nice. Yeah, you were definitely gonna talk in a different language to confuse your dad.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now