An Ultimate - V3

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Kaede Akamatsu:

"Are you ready for tomorrow, Y/N?"

"Yeah... Its just gonna be awkward to play in front of the whole school.." You replied to your mother,"It's fine! Just think of it as any normal performance! And if you make just a small mistake no one will notice!" Kaede tried to hype you up for your upcoming violin recital in front of every single teacher and student in school.

You wanted to play alongside your mother's piano, but that was unable to be arranged. You'd have to go up along but that was fine, you were a bit used to it. It was something you had been getting familiar with for a while.

You however felt a bit singled out. Being the only one with a passion for violin, and with natural talent, it felt as though there was no one to talk to. You felt alone. Yeah, your talent might get you somewhere but it felt lonely.

Sure, you had everyone else who was in your violin classes but it wasn't the same. You didn't spend a long time talking to them, you barely even knew their names. They weren't your friends, you wouldn't consider them that.

With that, you felt as if it wasn't the best to be good at what you did,"Mom, did you ever feel bad about being good at piano?"

"Feel bad at being good? What do you mean?" Kaede replied,"You know, you get a lonely feeling because there's no one to talk to about your talent. Like no one cares." You had to tell her, there was no one else,"Y/N, I've never felt like that.. Are you sure you're okay?" You nodded.

After that you tried to change the topic of the conversation, it didn't matter anymore. You just needed to focus on the recital, you'll be fine. Maybe having a talent will be good in the future.

Shuichi Saihara:

Were you making badminton your entire personality? Maybe. Did you care? Slightly. Come on, it was nice to have a personality set by yourself. You knew who you were and you didn't care what others said.

That being said, people were reluctant to pair up with you during PE. Your school would redo different sports each year, so this was the second year in a row you were doing badminton. And wow, people might've been a bit intimidated.

Sure, you would do demos to the class with your teacher but that was the only thing you could use your talent for in school. You weren't allowed to play sport at breaktimes, or lunchtimes. After school sports clubs were only for football, which in your opinion was a very overrated sport.

It didn't matter, your potential for badminton was very obvious. Hell, you were already in competitive badminton teams and your biggest supporters were your dad and your brother.

And because of them you're going to strive to be the absolute best. You just want it to lead to something good, since it sparked you with the hope and ambition you needed. Your talent was growing, and you just wanted it to give you the best life possible.

Maki Harukawa:

You were more like your dad, but you worked hard like your mother did. It might not be good for you, the lack of sleep and the lack of food in your system was not good. But Maki made sure you stayed healthy, so you could follow your small dream.

You did everything in your power to study stars and planets and everything in common. It was something that connected you to your dad, but something your mother admired and helped you strive towards.

".. Mom, when's dad coming back from space? I want to show him all my work.." You said,"I don't know. It might be in a year, space travel takes a while." She said in her usual monotone voice,"But I'm sure whenever he sees your work he'll be the most happiest man in the universe.." Maki added on.

You nodded, continuing to scribble down small drawings of planets. The reason you did what you did was because of Kaito, and your mother further pushed you to do what you like. It's like you owe your success to them, not fully but partially.

We’ll just wait to see what happens, a big opportunity awaits after all.

Miu Iruma:

Ultimate this Ultimate that, you didn't care as long as it was fun. Deriving some of your mannerisms from your mother it was high time you boasted about your skills.

You actually helped your mother out with her inventions. You were the one that made them aesthetically pleasing, whilst Miu made them functional. You were an amazing team.

Well of course you were an amazing team, you were two of the greatest people working together,"IVE GOT ANOTHER-" You shouted as you sprinted over to your mother. You held up the paper to her,"So basically.... No I went wild I dunno what this is." Miu looked at it,"Fair.... Is that a fucking laser pointer?-"


"We don't have any cats-"

"Keebo can count as one-"

"No he can't-"

"welp, worth a try-" You had nothing bad against Keebo but just the amount of times he seemed like a cat to you was one too many to call it a coincidence. Your mother took the paper from you,"Alright, I'll try my best. Now let your brain take a break, you've been going mad recently." She said. You nodded and ran off. Miu stood in silence for a bit,

"God... That kid's gonna be an Ultimate or something.."

Kokichi Ouma:

Pfft, Liar? You could never..... No you were practically better at lying than your dad. It was scary, being better than someone amazing. Being better than your own parent. It was wierd, and scary but it was something you lived for. Lying gave you a rush of adrenaline at first, but you're getting used to it now.

And it worked very well alongside what Hiro was good at, impersonating. It was really funny but you were both able to keep a straight face, whilst actually cracking up on the inside.

"Y/N! Did you eat the watermelon?"




"You did, don't lie-"

"Im not lying-"

And it always went back and forth. Somehow nothing amazing has happened... Yet.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now