First Steps! - SDR2

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Welcome to part 2 of finally using your own two feet.

Hajime Hinata:

You were pretty much fabulous at crawling, it came easier to you than most babies. And it came pretty in handy. You could want something from your dad and instead of shouting across the room you sped across the floor like a spider.

Today you were sitting in front of the TV and playing with your toys whilst your dad was doing something in the kitchen. You weren't sure what Hajime was doing but he was most likely getting food or something.

Now, you being a determined little baby you wanted to see what was going on in there. You were already familiar with holding up your own weight, you just needed to make your way there.

Your crawled over to the couch, supported yourself with it and stood up. You were currently focused on your little feet to realise Hajime was watching you from the door leading to the kitchen.

You put one foot in front of the other, and the next, and the next, and the next and so on. You were then confident enough to let go of the furniture and continued wobbling forward.

Your walk was cut short when Hajime picked you up, saying you did amazing.

Nagito Komaeda:

Well, your life had been full of really wierd things so far just because of Nagito. So it wasn't really a surprise to him that soon his luck would affect you and something either good or bad would happen.

This time something good happened: you walked.

And it wasn't really caused by luck but Nagito has believed in that his whole life there was no way to change his mind. And the fact is that he would constantly say things about you bringing hope and all.

You were a tiny child, could he please stop going on about hope and Despair you didn't understand what he meant anyways.

This time, he was being his usual self and you decided that you just wanted to play with your toys instead of listen to him.

Sure, you could crawl away but you wanted him to be surprised. You were scheming in that tiny brain of yours. And it slightly worked.

You supported your own weight against the wall and with full power you stepped forward and then stepped forward with your other foot.

You successfully wobbled away only for Nagito to easily catch up to you and pick you up, congratulating you for sparking hope into the world.

Peko Pekoyama:

You were a speedy little kid. You could be on one side of the room and then you could crawl as fast as sonic and be on the other side. Safe to say that caused some problems for your parents. And you took after your dad in the stubborn aspect but took after your mother in the listening to people aspect.

So you'd get scolded for crawling away and sure you'd listen but you would be stubborn and not do what you were told, so you'd speed away again.

This time, Peko wasn't having it. She got one of those baby walkers and put you in it. That didn't stop you from speeding away. You kinda liked the device, it made you go even faster but it was a bit more difficult to speed away because it was so big. It would make you bump into basically all of the furniture in your house.

Well, finally your baby walker prison sentence was over and she took you out of it. And then something sparked in your miniature brain. You could walk to and back from each side of the room.

And so you managed to get Peko to help you stand up, even if she was still holding onto you. In a brilliant moment of you wanting to slightly show off, you started taking steps forward.

Sooner or later your dad was called into the room. You, however, didn't realise that Peko had let go of your little hands. You just went for it. Finally you were almost there but you fell. Your mom scooped you up and the three of you stayed together for the rest of the day.

Sonia Nevermind:

So you may or may not have been in the throne room with your mother. I mean, it didn't really matter, that room was SPACIOUS. Compared to you, you looked like a tiny insect in that room.

There wasn't much to do today so your mother was playing around with you. You did actually have a mini throne which was cute but you didn't really use it.

At one point you started signalling to Sonia that you wanted to be put down, and she did. You put out one of your legs which prompted your mother to hold your hand. You put your foot in front of the other and lo and behold you started walking!

Sonia was very pleased with that!

Mahiru Koizumi:

It was the weekend and usually Mahiru focuses on juggling between taking photos of people and taking care of you, maybe you'd get your own photo at the end of the day.

Currently she had brought you outside to the park since it was really sunny that day. You had your little hat on to keep your eyes safe from the sun and so did Mahiru.

You really wanted to go to the playground, y'know since you were a tiny toddler. You couldn't go, because currently you couldn't walk and your mom wouldn't let you crawl over.

So you decided you were gonna try to walk in the least, and to your and your mother's surprise you did indeed walk!

You were put down on the ground and you held yourself up by the bench you were sitting on.

Well, safe to say you walked and both you and your mom are happy.

Kazuichi Soda:

You were in your dad's garage workshop thing. You were both reeking of oil because y'know, smells are passed on easily. Usually you wouldn't be anywhere near whatever he was fixing up but you'd still find a way to get something like spot or oil on you.

Today for some reason, you were growing a bit impatient. Maybe it was just today since today felt a bit longer than usual.

You could've just crawled over but you'd be easier to spot and you didn't really want that for some reason.

With small, frustrated eyes you stood up and kept your balance. You stepped one foot forward, and then the next. And then you repeated. You might've been wobbling quite a bit but you were making your way there.

Finally Kazuichi spotted you, picked you up and put you back. After he was done with the repair he started congratulating you like the proudest dad ever.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now