Sports - THH

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What do you mean I can't spend all of my money on TBHK or video games

Makoto Naegi:

You weren't sporty but at the same time you werent what boomers would call lazy. Of course you would participate in every PE lessons in school, often trying to sabotage your own sister.

According to others you were pretty gifted at bench ball, like being able to catch a ball being thrown at you at high speed and you being able to catch it. Or you throw a ball so perfectly that it's easier for people on the bench to catch it.

"JUST THROW THE BALL IT'S FINE!!" You were shouting to your teammates, who, mind you, weren't really team players and we're rather unathletic. One of the girls threw the ball and you just barely caught it,"Quickly, get on the bench!" You said as you threw the ball to the other side.

A lot of the times you were in a team with people who were barely able to do any kind of sport in PE, or just people who did not care a single bit. Well, to be honest only you and your sister cared. Since you were in the same PE it meant you could wreak havoc upon her, so these types of lessons were perfect for you to get mad at eachother for not doing something right.

It's not like you'd actually be mad at eachother, but you would shout and then start laughing like it was nothing. Others would look at you like you were crazy but it is what it is.

And let's not think about Sports Day. That day was ok, but you were not necessarily good at jumping over obstacles or throwing javelins. Hey, atleast your dad said you did very well.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

You were ok at sports. You were actually among the average for the 800m run that would happen each school year. Among the average meant you could run atleast 300m without feeling like you were going to die. Anything after that you'd have to slow down and walk just to make sure you were going to stop breathing or something like that.

Most times during PE, you would try to stay somewhere where the teacher would be unable to see you. That was just so you could just sit and do nothing. Even if you would join in on things like dodgeball, badminton or benchball you weren't really the type to do sports.

"Y/N I have a deal!!" Your sister Koari grabbed your attention right after the teacher stopped talking,"Basically, if one of us gets out they have to clean the room." Did I not mention currently you were sleeping the same room since your sister's room was still being set up,"You're on." and now here you both were, trying your best not to be taken out.

Byakuya Togami:

Well of course you'd participate in some sort of sport. Being part of the Togami lineage didn't necessarily mean you had to be oddly strong and stuff since... Stocks.

But that wouldn't really stop you. Currently your athletic ability was a bit bad seeing as you haven't really done sports outside of school. You did have extensive knowledge about the effects of exercise on the human body and mind, but what harm would it do if you participated in some sort of sport.

A sport you had loved for quite a long time was Ballet. It was a bit of a coincidence you wanted to do that sport of all sports. Coming from other ballerinas you had scene on social media, a lot of the things would cost quite a lot of money like Pointe shoes. Well you weren't exactly sure whether all of the information you had is true but it seemed likely.

Currently you were rallying yourself up to ask your father if you could actually do Ballet. You knocked on his office door, waiting in front of it for an answer,"Come in." You silently opened the door and stepped in a bit shakily,"Do you not have work to do, Y/N?"

"I finished it. But I did want to ask something.." He looked up from his work and looked towards you,"Could I perhaps do a sport like Ballet?" A small silence filled the room until he responded,"When did you get the idea to ask?"
"W-well sport is good for you, and Ballet is very pretty.."

Byakuya sighed,"Do not stutter.. I will think about it. Now let me see your work." You nodded and went to retrieve the multiple papers which were neatly put on your desk.

Around 2 days later news came back he did decide to enroll you for Ballet lessons. Let's just hope you don't pull a muscle.

Mondo Owada:

You could say you were a sports geek. Well, you just loved running. It was something you both loved and were good at.

Back in the good old days of being around 6-8 years old your school had decided to do more running related PE classes rather than stuff like tennis or football. This is where your skill at running peaked.

And the fact that you were faster than most other kids in your class made you quite confident for some reason. This also lead you into joining the school Cross Country team. So right when you got home you of course had to talk about it.

"DAD!!" Okay hold on you should not have shouted, you didn't even know if Taka was out of the house so if you tried to shout for Mondo you could've been in trouble. Luckily he wasn't there but if he was you'd be dead,"WHAT!!" You ran to wherever his voice was coming from,"I CAN INTO THE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM!"

"COOL!" Not the reaction you wanted but who cares. You were just good at running.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

Of course you did sports. Why wouldn't you? One of your dads was Kiyotaka Ishimaru (more like Kiyotaka Owada now but you know) and he was perfect in basically all academic subjects. He isn't the former Ultimate Moral Compass for nothing.

He wasn't pushing you to the extent of perfectionism he was pushed to as a child, he knew it wouldn't be good for you. Neither is it good for any child. Still, you needed to be quite good at everything. The day you're set homework you'd spend the rest of the day after school finishing it, and sometimes if you had enough time you could do whatever you want. Sundays were mostly days for extra studies, the time when you'd do some work about something you hadn't learnt in school yet just to be a bit ahead.

That being said on Sundays you might do some type of sport. And the whole family would join in, like a fun family day. Sometimes your teams would be what you and your sister call "unfairly matched" because sometimes but of your dad's would be on one team and you and your sister on the other and you could easily tell your parents had the upper hand.

Mostly you'd do something like volleyball, per by your request, or you'd be playing tennis and if the weather was bad outside the choices were wii sports and table tennis.


Your sister was good at wii sports so she liked to make you suffer by making you lose points.

"Y/N it'll be alright, she didn't want you to cry." Your dad comforted you because today you got really confident and then you lost and started crying.

So yeah you liked and hated sports.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now