Babysitting - V3

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*cutely writing this in bed with a cold*

Kaede Akamatsu:

Your mom would babysit you obviously. Since she was a Pianist she didn't really need to leave for work or anything. Thag being said the only reasons you'd actually leave the house was hanging out with friends, going to violin lessons or going to school.

When your mom toured a country or something like that she'd let you and your infant brother tag along. With that being said you were like the babysitter, needing to make sure your brother was okay and of course Kaede would help as much as possible.

On rare occasions you'd stay home, probably for the best. But on those rare occasions you'd be at one of your mom's friends' house. This time it was Kaito's and Maki's house. It was really fun to be there because Kaito was just really amusing.

Shuichi Saihara:

There were days where he would work from home basically. It was near the start of investigations however, so around the time when he only had small pieces of evidence like pictures.

Those were the times where you would take the liberty to stay around him as much as possible, like watching him go through his thought process or running around and giving him the evidence he needed to look at.

That was fun, you got to spend time with Shuichi whilst he was still working and that's all you really cared about.

On the days when he didn't stay home you were either dropped off at Kaito's house or Kaede's house. If you were staying with Kaede it's be extremely relaxing. She'd prepare you tea to drink whilst letting you draw or do something nice an calming. Sometimes she'd even have freshly baked cookies and she'd let you have some as an afternoon snack.

If you were at Kaito's house you will have to be prepared for Maki trying to get him to shut up just so she can ask you what you want to eat and if you said something that's not in her skill set she'd let Kaito make the food.

It was fun.

Maki Harukawa:

Your mom was basically constantly on the job and your dad was an ASTRONAUT. This kinda meant that on somewhat random weeks he'd have to go somewhere early and be back by the time you were asleep.

So on those weeks before your mom left for somewhere, she would drop you off at a trusted friend's house. Two of those trusted friends were Kaede and Shuichi, since your mom was more of an introvert there weren't a lot of people she'd trust but they're two of them.

If you had to be honest you liked going to Kaede's house a lot, she was always very kind and would give you snacks whilst you quietly enjoyed drawing stars or something like that.

It wasn't bad at Shuichi's house, just that sometimes he was a bit awkward but you got along well.

Miu Iruma:

She only really trusts you around Keebo. Hell, he might even be a bit more responsible than her but what can you say.

Sometimes if you were left with Keebo you'd do some sort of quick speaking rally where one asks a question, the other answers and then asks a question and so on.

Those were also really fun because you'd get to learn more about him, even if he might call an unassuming child robophobic.

"If you're a robot why are you so small?"  You asked. Keebo looked confused,".. I cannot tell whether that was robophobic or not-"
"Answer the questionnn!!!"
"Uh- I wasn't created to be tall?? I am actually the average size for a human, whether it be male or female."

Yeah that was fun. Other times you may or may not force him to become a FLASHLIGHT.

Kokichi Ouma:

First of all, he still doesn't get along with Kaito even after highschool. Second of all, there is no way he'd trust you around Miu. Third of all, he doesn't know where Gonta dissappeared to but honestly he probably would've scared you with his bugs.

Kokichi would only trust you with other members of D.I.C.E or Shuichi. Seeing as Shuichi was practically one of the safer options, it was only fair he'd be trusted around you. And Shuichi wouldn't refuse to look after you because of the underlying fear of Kokichi. Just Kokichi.

So the days where you were left with Shuichi, it'd be a bit awkward but it was fun at the same time because he looked somewhat scared of you so you'd just try to chase him around which was not fun for him-

Yeah you liked causing the fun type of chaos. It was wierd but it was fun.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now