Parents Evening - THH

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Parents Evening is basically your parents coming into school to talk with your teachers about how things are going in class!

Makoto Naegi:

He had specifically wanted to meet up with your maths and science teachers, since you would say you aren't really good at those subjects. And you were actually a bit nervous. You weren't sure how he was going to react or what he was going to be told.

But to your luck the teachers both said very nice things about you! It was like you had told them what to say, which you didn't. In general you were just a very good kid, and you'd actually listen to the teacher unlike some other kids.

And then after, without telling you, Makoto brought you with him to talk with your History teacher who you didn't necessarily like. Luckily you were also on your History teacher's favourites list too.

Safe to say that after all of that Makoto was extremely happy that you were a good kid, and so when you got home he gave you a dessert to eat.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

She checked all the core subjects. You were particularly bad at Science so that had to be something she really needed to check in anyways, and you were perfectly fine at Maths and English.

She held your hand on the walks to each classroom, basically trying to reassure you even if a teacher said something bad she wouldn't be mad at you. Otherwise, her usual blank expression was always there whilst walking around or speaking with said teachers.

You stood outside the classroom as Kyoko spoke with your teacher, you didn't really want to know what your teacher thought you needed help with etc. After around 5 minutes Kyoko walked out of the room and another parent and child walked in.

Your mother held your hand again,"Well done." She said somewhat blankly. You looked at her, confused,"Why?"
"You got the highest score on the test." Hearing that made you ecstatic.

You got to do whatever you wanted after you went home.

Byakuya Togami:

He expected nothing but the best from you, always basically looming expectations over your shoulders. Quite harsh and difficult expectations. But you knew you had to be accustomed to it, quickly. So when parents evening came you of course accompanied him to walk him down to your classrooms. Every classroom, for every class you had.

If a parent saw him and promptly greeted him like a normal person would he acted harsh and cold, like a real life Scrooge almost. Its not that he'd reply in a rude way, but he'd brush them off. Maybe because he doesn't want to talk to 'lower class plebians' as he'd call them.

And if a child tried to talk to you, oh boy you could be in deep trouble. And of course one of your friends wanted to talk to you when they saw you. It was your friend Aoi. Byakuya didn't know you had any friends and he didn't really care. Though he still warned you as to 'not make friends with a filthy child' as he'd say.

And Aoi was there of course, and she ran up to you,"Y/N!!! You're here too!?" You looked at her slightly signalling her that you just got her in trouble. You could tell you were in trouble without even looking at your father. He had stopped walking. Earlier he had let you hold his hand, and now his grip had loosened,".. O-oh sorry.." Aoi promptly apologised.

Before she walked away, you could feel even more dread overcome you,"Y/N." your father called out,"What did I tell you?" You were in deep trouble. Right after he said that Aoi's dad walked up behind her. He was very tall, and buff. His long jacket had a print on the back reading 'Crazy Diamond', and he definitely looked like he kinda wanted to pick a fight with Byakuya.

Your dad seemed to recognise him,"You ain't even gonna let your kid have friends, smartass?" He looked intimidating and sounded quite intimidating. Byakuya scoffed,"I would say long time no see, if I did enjoy being in your presence." Both you and Aoi were awfully confused.

Aoi's dad scoffed,"Aoi, let's go." he dragged Aoi away. Your father spent no time standing around. Byakuya started walking the opposite way,"We'll talk about this at home."

You basically got scolded after getting home, you weren't allowed some stuff either and your allowance may it may not have been lowered drastically.

Mondo Owada:

You being the stupid lil kid you were, you thought your dad was gonna intimidate your teachers to tell him stuff. Well you didn't exactly think that but it was a funny thought to have.

His plan was to talk to just the core subjects like Maths, English and Science. You sat inside the rooms with him and would basically freak out on the inside when your teachers said you were doing fabulous in class.

You were on your way to leave the school when you saw one of your friends, Hanami. She was walking down with her dad, looking a bit elegant and fancy. You on the other hand just looked like you had ran though mud.... Because you may or may not have ran through mud.

You didn't care about that right now though. You let go of your dad's huge hand and ran to your friend,"Hanami!!! You're here too!?" She looked scared. As soon as you had eye contact some sort of fear started radiating from her. And her dad stopped, and looked down at both of you.

".. O-oh, sorry.." you apologised. Before you were going to run back to Mondo, however, your friend's dad spoke,"Hanami. What did I tell you?" he sounded so cold and mean. You hated it. Hanami didn't reply. She stood silent, already knowing basically what was going to happen.

Mondo walked up behind you, putting a hand on your shoulder,"You ain't even gonna let your kid have friends, smartass?" Your dad spoke up. Hanami's dad scoffed,"I would say long time no see, if I did enjoy being in your presence." Both you and Hanami stood confused. Your fathers both knew eachother from way before, if you had to guess.

You felt your dad grab your hand,"Y/N, let's go." and he dragged you away from Hanami and her dad. You didn't dare to ask what was going on after that, and seeing the days after all of that happened Hanami didn't dare to ask either.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

He went to every lesson he could. He needed to know which subjects you needed a major boost in. Luckily you didn't need any major boost, at least not yet.

Your dad had you stand outside of the classrooms and wait in the hallway. It did make you a bit annoyed because you couldn't hear anything but maybe it was for the better.

Finally your father walked out of the last classroom. He didn't speak at all. Not until you budged him to speak,"What did all of the teachers say?" you asked.

And he looked down at you for a small while with a slight frown. And then he had such a proud look on his face, and so he told you how you were passing all classes with flying colours.

Safe to say you were having a mini celebration at home.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now