Letter - V3

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Kaede Akamatsu:

You actually got the letter right before a recital. Not the best time to get the letter, it made you all shaky and excited. Oh well, you still did very well.

You were sitting back stage, ready to be called up until your mother rummaged through the bag you had brought,"Y/N! I forgot to show you this!" She said. Usually you were the one forgetting about letters, but this time it was Kaede.

She gave you it and you read it, apparently it was already open. You read it carefully, eyes widening with happiness. You were shaking, your heart was racing,"REALLY!?" Your mother smiled and nodded,"Mhm! Well done Y/N!"

You were called up on stage. You went up, mind wandering back to that letter. You felt amazing. You got it done, perfectly. You were riled up.

Immediately when you got backstage you went to look over the letter,".. So, I'm going as the Ultimate Violinist!?" You excitedly asked. Kaede nodded,"Yup!" She stood beside you. Her little girl was all grown up, and ready to make the world aware of her fabulousness.

Shuichi Saihara:

Being a detective, your father picked up on some traits that would let you be considered an Ultimate. It wasn't that hard to notice, actually. One day, before you had gotten back from school and he had taken a day off because he didn't feel good, Shuichi heard a letter being slipped through the hole in the door.

He went to get it. Ah yes, what better to do than not stay cozy and get up. The yellow-ish envelope clearly told him it was a Hope's Peak letter, he didn't even need to see the crest stamped on the front. Your father opened the letter and read it carefully, smiling to himself by the end.

Around an hour or two later, you and your brother barged back into your house,"No okay so, Ana pushed Ken-"

"Hold on why are we still talking about that-"

"I dunno-.." You both shut up as you closed the door behind both of you, took your shoes off and went to the living room to find your father sipping some hot tea,"You're still alive!" You said jokingly, of course he wouldn't die from a simple cold,"Mhm... Oh, and there's a-" He coughed,"A letter for Y/N.." He picked up the letter and held it up,"Here." He said.

You held it and Kai, your brother, stood beside you and leaned over to read it too. Your eyes sparkled as you read it,"OH MY GOSH-" Kai shook you a bit,"YOU GOT INTO HOPE'S PEAK!!" He shouted proudly.

"I'M THE ULTIMATE BADMINTON STAR NOW WOOHOO!" You jumped up and turned to look to your dad, who was pleasantly smiling at your happiness.

The night was spent in giving your father a headache on accident, maybe you were cheering and singing a bit too loudly.

Maki Harukawa:

You were waiting patiently for your father to be back, all you wanted was for him to be proud. Even if your work was doing badly he'd still be proud. Your mother was proud. You were happy, you wanted her to be happy for you and wanted her to stay calm knowing you'll be set for life with a career in mind and flawless education.

You were sitting and eating dinner with your mother, discussing about whoever got into a fight at school and asking your mother what might've happened (y'know, because she has endless skill in fighting). You heard a letter being slipped through into your house,".. I'll get it after we finish eating." Your mother said. You nodded.

Once you were both done you did your usual thing, putting the dishes away in the sink and then going back to your galaxy-esque room. Not even 5 seconds later your mother calls you over,"Y/N, the letter is for you." She called out. You went over to look at what was written.

Maki handed you the letter and you carefully read it, making sure you didn't misread anything. Was this true? Was this real? We're you just dreaming? Damn.. You achieved something you didn't think you could,"I- I got in-" Your mother nodded and smiled,"Well done Y/N." You hugged her and squeezed her tightly, she hugged back and patted your back as you shed a few happy tears,"When you father gets home we'll immediately tell him, don't worry. He'll be very proud of you.." She said quietly.

It didn't really matter for now, but you were the happiest you had ever been in your life. You, the Ultimate Astronomer. A feat you didn't think you could achieve.

Just wait, it'll all play out perfect for you in the future.

Miu Iruma:

Okay okay admit it, you kept boasting about how good you were. You kept boasting about how you worked for businesses like Gucci or River Island. Although it was only part time since you were a teen and not an adult, you were proud of the money you were earning. You were earning a lot more than you would've expected. You had your mother to thank for that, she encouraged you whilst encouraging herself.

You were sitting in your living room, scribbling away and glancing at Keebo from time to time,"Uh, Y/N? Is something wrong?" He asked. You shook your head,"Nah, why?"

"Because you keep glancing at me.." He said. As he did your mother looked at what the hell you were designing and burst out into laughter,"OH MY GOD CONTINUE I'D LOVE TO SEE THAT-" She leaned down to whisper in your ear,"Maybe if Keebo agrees I can make those modifications to him." She said with a sly smirk.

A few seconds later you were notified the mail has come, and a letter in a yellow-ish envelope was awaiting you. You left what you were doing and went to see the letter. Your mother had read it before you and was brimming with happiness,"SHE'S JUST AS BIG OF A GENIUS AS HER MOTHER - WELL DONE Y/N!!" She squeezed the life out of you,"H-hold on- what's it about??" You asked.

Keebo took the letter and read it,"Well done Y/N!" He smiled. You were still confused,"Thanks but I have zero clue what this is about???" You were given the letter and you read it,"Oh my god..." You whispered. Miu pat your back,"You're gonna fuck this world up, in a good way of course! I couldn't be any happier!!!" She noted. You laughed a bit,"Honestly I thought your modifications on Keebo were the only things that'd make you this happy."

Well whatever, you were on your way to be a star just like your mother! Well done.

Kokichi Ouma:

"No here's the thing right, we were talking about D.I.C.E in class - like, they were warning us??" You were talking about how your day went to your dad, and although he did care he didn't exactly listen,"Warning you? About MY organisation??" He asked and you nodded,"Yeah so Hiro and I are sitting there, giggling to ourselves and it was so stupid-" And you heard someone open the front door,"Y/N GET OVER HERE!!" It was your best friend, Hiro.

You got up and walked over, slightly annoyed,"And I'm here to present, one of my greatest accomplishments!" He said, whilst copying your dad's voice. It caught Kokichi's attention. Hiro held the letter up to your face,"Oh my god calm down and let me read it properly-" You snatched the letter and read it,".. Well done dude!!" You said, smiling at him. With the amount of times you'd lied, he was a bit skeptical whether you were truly smiling or it was a facade. It was real, don't worry.

Your father came over and also read the letter, fist-bumping Hiro like the definitely cool dad he is. Right afterwards, the post-man walked over and delivered a letter addressed to you. You were eager, usually you didn't have letters addressed to you.

You opened it and read it, a frown covering your face (it was fake, a lie!),"What? What's it about?" Hiro asked. Your father could easily tell you're pretending, but the fun was messing with Hiro,"Oh nothing.... LIES! I ALSO GOT INTO HOPE'S PEAK!" You shouted happily.

"Wait let me see that-" Kokichi snatched the letter and read it,"Oh- Omigosh- you actually did something not stupid for once-" you hugged him, even thought you were taller and it was really awkward, you knew he was just poking fun when he said that. You were ecstatic. Hiro initiated a group hug by himself.

After the excitement died down he spoke up,"So uh... Park? Playing tricks on 6 year olds?" Hiro asked you. You nodded and grinned mischievously,"Hell yeah."

When you got back from your little outing you found out your dad bought you a small cake, and you had a small celebration.

Congrats! You are an Ultimate!

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now