First Words - THH

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Might not be that creative, since babies' first words are dada and mama normally.
(From now on the stories will be in 2nd person mostly!)
N/N = Nickname
Another thing I forgot to mention: most of my Byakuya scenarios are quite heavily inspired by a danganronpa parents book by LoveKittenCats! (it doesn't really affect this scenario a lot but the ones that will come later on)

Makoto Naegi:

Your dad had taken the day off to look after you, since your Auntie Komaru was busy this whole week and he still wouldn't really trust baby sitters with you.

The whole day was practically just him helping you play around with your toys, whilst also trying to get you to say your first word. You were trying, you understood the assignment with your tiny 1 and a half year old brain.

Currently you were lying on your back, trying to get ahold of his ahoge whilst he gently spoke to you,"Come on Y/N! Say dada~" He was trying his best to get you to say your first word. It might've come off as desperate but in any parent's situation it'd be a miracle of your child said that to you.

After finally getting a hold of his ahoge, you looked like you were struggling,"N/N? Are you okay?" He asked. A small bit of silence passed and you tried your best,"Da.. A.." You were trying to say Dada again.

Makoto's eyes lit up,"Come on N/N you can do it! Say dada!" He tried to encourage you. You tugged on his ahoge and tried again,"Da.. Da... Dada!!" You said happily.

Safe to say you weren't being let out of a hug for the rest of the day unless you really needed to.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

Today you had been left in your grandfather's care, even though Kyoko was still skeptical about him. However, other times you were left in his care nothing bad happened so she gave him the benefit of the doubt.

It was finally time for your mother to come pick you up. Your grandfather, Jin, was holding you and waiting in his living room. You were reaching out towards the door leading out into the hallway,"M... Mm... A.." you were trying to say Mama. It was easy to tell it was because you could tell it was around the time she'd come to pick you up so you were excited to see her after a long day.

Sooner or later the doorbell rang,"Ma.. A!" You were trying still. You grandfather held you tightly as your arm was reaching forward and he opened the door. As soon as he did you finally got your chance to show what you've been practicing for the past 30 minutes,"Ma.. Ma!"

Kyoko's eyes slightly widened with happiness as Jin handed you over,".. Ma... Mama!!" you finally said it. Kyoko hugged you tightly as you giggled. She looked over at Jin,"I don't think I need to ask you how she behaved today... Thank you for looking after her.." She blankly thanked her father and walked away, holding you happily and opening the car door to put you on your little seat.

Byakuya Togami:

Like usual, Byakuya knew he was able to technically take advantage of Toko. She'd been assigned as your nanny, so to speak. And she was more than happy to, you were his child after all.

You were playing around in your 1 and a half year old glory and Toko was watching you to make sure you didn't get hurt. At one point you just held onto one of your toys and stared down at it, looking like you were struggling. This confused Toko,"D....d...a.." You were trying to piece together the word Dada.

She immediately took that as a sign to call over Byakuya. Between stuttery sentences she told him to come down to your room, since you had been trying to say your first word. At first Byakuya didn't actually want to take time out of his paper work to wait for you to say a normal every day word.

He walked into your room to see you sitting down and harshly gripping one of your stuffed animals whilst Toko was sitting next to you. You still looked like you were struggling a bit,"Da..... A... Da.." You were slowly but surely piecing it together. Little did Byakuya know Toko was from time to time trying to get you to say Dada.

When you finally realised he was in the room a huge smile covered your face,"D.... Dada!!!" You were actually very happy to see him, knowing you're usually with Toko and he's in his office filling out paper work and stuff.

You saying Dada did slightly shock Byakuya, in a nice way. He didn't really expect to feel like that but he couldn't help it, you were his child after all. Byakuya picked you up quite gently,"Toko." He sternly called her attention,"You're free to go for today. And I do not want to see you sleeping in the garden once again." He ordered her. Toko nodded and sped out of the room and out of the mansion.

Byakuya brought you with him to his office and let you play with your toys while sitting on a rug beside him.

Mondo Owada:

Your usual routine was your dad bringing you with him basically everywhere he goes, well only when he's not a motorcycle. And every time you did see his motorcycle you'd try to mimic the sounds it makes.

This time he had brought you with him when he was going to meet up with his best bro, Ishimaru. Earlier in the day he'd noticed you trying to say the sound Da. And when you did manage he made sure you knew he was very proud of you.

This time was your first time on his motorcycle, he's gotten a little seat attachment just for you. Since he was only going to drive his motorcycle to his meeting point with Ishimaru he let you on the motorcycle, other than that if he was biking with his gang you'd be in someone's care like Ishimaru or Chihiro.

Your dad finally stopped the motorcycle and picked you up after he made sure no one would be able to steal it. He carried you to a small cafe. Your father and Ishimaru weren't the type to go to a cafe, neither were you since you were still an infant.

On the way you were trying to say Dada but weren't succeeding. It was only almost 30 minutes after Mondo and Ishimaru met up,"Da... D... A..." you had immediately taken hold of the conversation. Both Ishimaru and Mondo stayed quiet as you looked like you struggled to speak,"Da... Da... Dada!!" you finally said, being extremely happy.

Mondo immediately hugged you, trying not to crush you with his arms,"Well done N/N!!!" He started saying how proud of you he was, and his meet up with Ishimaru had to cut short.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

You were at home with your father like always. He had found a solution to work from home and look after his kid. He actually made part of his study a play pen for you so you were more comfortable.

You were playing around with your toys when you looked at Ishimaru and reached towards him,"Da... A..." You tried to grab the air. Ishimaru looked to you and noticed you reaching to him,"Hm? Would you like me to pick you up Y/N?" He asked. Of course he knew you wouldn't really reply but he picked you up anyways and let you sit with him as he got on with his work.

Sooner or later you started mumbling again,"Da.... D.. A..." Ishimaru looked down towards you with a gleam in his eyes. You continued trying,"Da........ Da.... Da.. Da.." You slowly pieced together the sounds,"Da.. Da..... Dada!!" You cheered with your little baby voice.

Ishimaru hugged you,"Well done Y/N!!" He was overjoyed at your accomplishment, and so were you.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now