Freetime/Hobbies - V3

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Miles Edgeworth who
(Kaede's bit is just..... Omori reference on accident 💀)

Kaede Akamatsu:

For a long time now one of your hobbies had been playing the violin. From taking violin lessons, to playing at the school talent show, to playing alongside your mother's piano, you loved it. Amongst your classmates you were knows is the Violinist Girl, always talking about your violin lessons and stuff.

That being said basically all of your freetime was spent practicing violin or preparing to go to your violin lessons. Sometimes your friends would get a bit angry since your sole focus was just learning violin but you just really liked it.

Sometimes you would spend your freetime outside, however you couldn't go without encountering those idiots from school.

Nevertheless, you spent your freetime in the best way possible, it doesn't last long.

Shuichi Saihara:

You had quite a lot of freetime. Since your dad was constantly working he couldn't always keep an eye on you and what you do. That being said you'd be in your room, or annoying your brother Kai. From time to time you'd both be set homework so you'd sit down together and try your best to figure stuff out.

"2x + 12x.... Y/N what's 2x + 12x?" Kai asked. You thought for a multitude of minutes,"I dunno." You both sat in silence,"..... Dad!" you called out.

A small while later your dad walked into the living room where you and Kai were sitting on the floor,"Why are you sitting on the floor?-" Shuichi asked,"It's more comfortable that way." Kai explained,"Alright then.. What did you call me here for?" Kai held up the homework sheet,"We can't figure out what 2x + 12x is."

Your dad took the sheet and looked at you for like 2 seconds,"That's easy. Just ignore the x! Just do 2 + 12." He said and gave back the sheet,"Oh wait I get it now-- thanks dad!!" You smiled.

Shuichi smiled back,"No problem, just call me back if you need help." He walked out of the room, leaving you and Kai to figure out the rest of the questions.

Other times when you weren't doing maths homework, you might drag your brother outside to play badminton. To no one's surprise each time you won, or you hit the shuttlecock(I apologise but it's the real name of that thing-) and it flew past the fence and then someone had to go and retrieve it.

Atleast your hobbies tied into your freetime in some way.

Kaito Momota:

Hobbies? You had one too many. Atleast that's what you'd say. You liked writing, drawing, reading, trampolining all at the same time. However your most favourite was trampolining.

With a dad who was an astronaut, it influenced you a lot to like space. You liked trampolining because you liked jumping up and looking up at the sky when the sun was setting. Sure it was a bit dangerous, you could trip and fall back. Or whilst you were jumping you could move forward or backwards and get hurt by the springs.

That didn't matter though, your dad let you do that. Sadly only when your mom wasn't home. And sometimes your dad would join you on the trampoline, and he's the type of person to move on accident when he jumps so sometimes you'd both fall over.

What's life without a little danger? That's what Kaito said anyways, and you want to believe that,"No wait take your shoes off! You can't have shoes on the trampoline!" You said. Your dad chuckled and took his shoes off,"Alright alright, I'll take my shoes off." He climbed onto the trampoline. He almost slipped down whilst trying to keep his balance, which shouldn't be that hard for him normally but he somehow still almost fell.

You started jumping before he did, knocking off his balance again,"Hold on hold on- we need to jump at the same time." Your dad said. You stopped jumping at then counted down to three,"One... Two.... Three!!!" You both jumped and you almost fell over because you got propelled into the air. The rest of that time was spent by you and Kaito staying up until the stars were out, and then you both just stargazed.

Your free time was amazing.

Miu Iruma:

A lot of the time you'd sit and watch your mother come up with different inventions or you'd help her out in some way by passing her tools. A lot of the times you personally didn't think they looked very aesthetically pleasing but that wasn't really the point.

This led into you making up cute little designs and showing them to Miu,"MOM! Look at this!" You held up the piece of paper up to your mother and let her look at it for a good few seconds,"... Hold on hold on, do you want me to make this?" She asked. You hadn't actually considered that until she asked,"I mean, I could make it... And then you can paint it like we did with your duck. Haha! I'm such a genius!" Of course flattering herself, that's what she does.

You thought for a little while,"Wait yeah I wanna do the same with what you did with my duck!!" You exclaimed,"On it! You can paint it how ya want okay?" She said, taking the piece of paper. You nodded and ran off,"Mr. Keebo!!! I need paint!!!"

This little interaction spiralled into your hobby of designing things, whether it be clothes or pencils or pens or furniture. And then you'd spend your freetime just focusing on that, and sometimes Keebo would be very concerned.

Miu would just tell him that it was fine, it was letting out your creativity and stuff but it was definitely not healthy how much you focused on it.

That didn't matter though, you were having fun.

Kokichi Ouma:

Much like your dad you were good at lying. You didn't really need to practise said skill since you were naturally good. Of course your lies wouldn't work on your dad, he can always tell when someone else is lying.

In school however, one of yours and Hiro's hobbies had become you lying to someone and telling them someone wants to talk to them over the phone, and Hiro would be on the other end of the call impersonating something creepy of just someone in general just to freak out the other person. Then when the person got scared you'd act like a goody-two-shoes and pretend you don't know what's going on.

Pretty evil but it was really fun to you. At the end of the day when you'd both go back home, you'd both be laughing about who you worried that day and how priceless you thought their reaction was.

"And I copied Ghost Face and said 'what's your favourite scary movie?' and it was really funny cuz I could hear them on the verge of crying over the phone." Hiro said. You were trying so hard to stop laughing,"You should've seen their face, they went so pale-" You cut yourself off by laughing, and Hiro also started laughing.

"Just wait until they catch on." Kokichi said,"They won't he uses a different voice every time-" again you laughed a bit too much.

Well nice hobby you got there.

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