First Day Of School - SDR2

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Like before you're starting year 1!
All of the kids from each group are mixed so basically an SDR2 kid might be in the same class as a kid from THH and a kid from V3.

Hajime Hinata:

You had actually been very excited to go to school, even if your dad kept on warning you about some bad stuff that could happen. At least he gave you some sort of heads up.

But as you got closer to the school you couldn't help but get more and more nervous, you felt an underlying sense of doom. The walk there was extremely long, or it seemed that way the walk was actually 5 minutes.

Before you went into the building Hajime kneeled down to your level,"Be on your best behaviour Y/N. And don't worry about anything I told you." he said. Don't worry about it YET.

You nodded and he got up, giving you a hug before you silently walked into the school building.

Nagito Komaeda:

God you dreaded this day so much for one reason and one reason only:
Your dad.

It was so easy for him to publicly embarrass himself it wasn't even funny anymore. And you for sure didn't want him to embarrass you as you walked into the school.

And so right before you actually got to school you told him what you were thinking, to which he was slightly confused but complied anyways.

As you walked in however he did say to have a good day like a caring father, and you did have a good day. Maybe it was his luck.

Peko Pekoyama:

Today was basically your first day at big girl academy. Well, not big girl academy but y'know it was your first day at school.

The night before you were extremely hyper and maybe the bad type of chaotic. Seriously, you weren't able to get to sleep. That little rush of excitement for school made you too hyper.

Well finally your parents got you to sleep, and you slept pretty well and got some good rest before school.

The next morning Fuyuhiko said goodbye to you at the door and you made your way to school alongside your mom. You felt very secure around her but some of that security would have to be taken away when you got to school.

And you did get there, and a sudden dread overtook you. Peko noticed and crouched down to your level,"Y/N." You shifted your gaze from the school building to your mother,"Don't worry about school. If anyone hurts you you know what to do." She said, getting a nod in response.

Peko stood up,"Have a nice day.." She said, giving you a hug. You walked into the school building, looking more confident than all the other kids even though you weren't.

Sonia Nevermind:

Your mother was adamant about you not being locked up in the castle 24/7. She didn't want you to just have private tutors and learn at home. And with that notion in mind she decided to let you go to public school in your homeland.

Today was the day you'd finally get to start. Sure, you were starting a bit later than other children but you were not behind on learning how to use weapons.

You were driven to the school with Sonia. She wanted to personally send you off to school like every other mother.

Once you got to the entrance you were holding Sonia's hand with slight nervousness. She hugged you,"Have a good day at school!" She cheered. You let go of her and started walking into the school.

You stopped and turned to look at your mother, who smiled which gave you the courage to go for it. Your turned back around and continued back into the school.

Mahiru Koizumi:

You were very excited for school, you really wanted to make new friends and get along with everyone. Well, that's what you were thinking. You were told that not everyone can be your friend.

Today you were actually being sent off by your mom and Hiyoko! She'd decided that this is important enough to step away from traditional dancing for about 30 minutes.

Mahiru had given you a packed lunch and prepared your bag with all of the things you needed. She had even made your lunch with your favourite food. Let's just hope other kids don't try to take some of your food!

The three of you walked down to the school,"If any of the kids beat you up, remember it's because they're jealous.. And then put some dead rats in their lockers!" Hiyoko noted.

Your mother laughed,"Or tell me and I'll sort it out with the teachers and the kids' parents." She slightly corrected Hiyoko.

Finally you reached the school. You gave both your mom and Hiyoko a hug,"Have a nice day!" They said in sync as you walked into the school building.

Kazuichi Soda:

Damn were you hoping the teacher's wouldn't take away some of your stuff. It wasn't anything bad either, just some stuff your dad had made for you that you find very dear to you.

And little did you know you wouldn't even need to walk to school. Your dad had a brand new car that he may or may not have made himself, you're still a bit unsure about those details.

And just for your he took a shower in the morning instead of the night before just to be extra fresh when dropping you off y'know, he doesn't want to be rejected by pretty ladies like he was with Sonia because of his smell (Well Sonia just didn't like him in general but that idiot didn't know any better).

You finally got to the school, Kazuichi parked the car and you both went out to the front of the gates,"Ya sure you're gonna be fine with those toys in your bag?"
"Yeah! I'm not gonna let the teachers take them!" You reassured him. He sighed and gave you a tight hug,"Oh my god she's growing up fast.." You heard him mumble.

Sooner or later you trotted off inside the school, waving goodbye to your dad.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now