Request - Gundham Tanaka pt. 1

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Requested by @Octogirl79! Here's part 1, I'll be writing part 2 as you read this!

And for everyone who wants to request something, please do so at the request page at the very start of this book!

I hope you enjoyed this first bit part!

Part of their world:

He never thought of taking care of a child. A puny little thing which was unable to fend for itself in any capacity? Never in his dreams. But often Gundham thought that he did need his legacy to be carried on, that his name needs to be passed down generation to generation and his rule to remain present.

He didn't think he needed a 'mortal' to be his descendant though. His Four Dark Devas of Destruction were fine enough heirs, as long as they didn't meet their end any time soon..

One day, just as he was settled in his 'castle' when there was a knock at his door. He was busy tending to his animals, he didn't want to be bothered.

Gundham stood, going to open the door. Before he did he could hear crying at the other side.. A baby's crying. He opened the door, seeing an unusual sight of a small baby in a basket. There was a note,"To whoever this may be, please take care of her. Her name is Y/N. I cannot take care of her, so please take good care of her." Gundham was confused. Him of all people? He was the one that could be responsible for this small, defenceless child.

He didn't really have an objection though. In the spur of the moment he decided to take on the role as the child's parent. He could raise you as his own, his little princess of the darkness.

He brought you inside, letting his Four Dark Devas of Destruction swarm over you as he tried to figure out what to do first.

First Words:

You were a talkative baby, so to speak(Pun intended). You loved babbling random sounds to your father's hamsters. They would always respond in some way, like giving you a small toy or a bit of their food.

Your father had recently been trying to get you to say your first word, which he really wanted to be something that wasn't dada but every other word would be too hard for your small mouth to say.

Today he was sat down with you again, trying his best to get you to say the magic word,"Da. Da." He repeated for what felt like the 100th time today. You had the sounds down, but you couldn't put them together to say Dada,"A!" You pulled on his hair in frustration.

"No!- My princess of darkness, it is DA DA." He said firmly, only receiving silence from you. Gundham sighed as he apologised to you, hugging you close and hearing your small laugh,"Dada!"

His eyes widened. All this time you were struggling, but just as you weren't but forced to say it you did say it,"Can you say it once again, princess?" His usual tough voice has softened down,"Dada!"

For the entire rest of the day you were smiling and giggling, aimed at all of your father's pets. Gundham watched from the side as you'd keep repeating the only word you knew how to say, dada.

First steps:

Gundham knew that human babies weren't like baby cats, for example, and that you won't begin walking until atleast 1 years old. He waited patiently for the day you would, teaching you how to stand on your own feet and helping you crawl at times.

Today he was trying to get you to walk to him like he had before, yet not so often since the Dark Devas of Destructions' cage and play area would need to be moved.

"Alright my princess of darkness, come forth!" He said as if you understood his dialect. You stood there, not responding to his words. Once he held his hands out you understood the assignment immediately.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now