Request - Tenko Chabashira pt. 2

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Requested by @chihiroisontop
This is the last part of the request, I hope you liked it! :))
Sorry it got a tad bit depressing at the end, but i feel like it works out well for the storyline.

The siblings scenario won't carry into the other scenarios.


Okay fine, you didn't want siblings. You've heard about so many damn things. You either get along with them, fight about dumb shit but still love them, or absolutely hate them. When your mom gave you the news, you tried your best to look happy about it but I think she also knew you didn't want a siblings. Who knows.

Today was the day she was finally going to adopt a little kid. Tenko decided to bring you with her, and much to your dismay they asked if she was bringing you back.

When you saw Tenko just walk in you hesitated to follow, but she turned back and held her hand out for you to hold. You did, and she brought you into the old room where she said she met you for the first time. You, of course, don't remember this room.

You watched as she filled out paperwork and such, keeping you close to her. You couldn't see any detail about the other kid she was adopting, and you thought she'd adopt a little girl.


You waited and waited and waited. And then one of the caretakers came into the room, and holding her hand was a little boy. He was probably 2 or 3 years younger than you.

"Alright Hinata, she'll take good care of you okay?" The caretaker led him forward, to which Tenko held out her hand for him to hold. He did, with hesitation.

You all walked out of the building,"We'll get home and start with introductions okay?" Tenko asked the two of you. You both nodded.

Once you'd gotten home it was all fun and games. So was the day after that, and the day after that, and basically every day for the foreseeable future.


Tenko only trusts women, as she likes to put it... Except she also trusts Shuichi, but she always says he's an exception.

She always liked to leave you with Angie or Himiko, since those were basically the only two she'd kept in contact with since Highschool.

Today was different. Neither Angie nor Himiko were available but a certain guy was: Shuichi. You haven't actually met him before, it was always convenient that Himiko and Angie were free when you needed looking after.

You were on your way to his house when you built up the courage to ask your mom why she would let you into his home after all she's said about men,"He proved himself to not be like those degenerate men in Highschool." She put it simply.

"But I thought you said you'd never trust a guy.." You replied. She laughed to herself,"Him and my sensei are the only men I trust. And I know that he will keep you completely safe. He promised." With the way she said that, it was obvious she might've threatened him in some way or another.

His house looked pretty big, and when he opened the door after you knocked he honestly looked kinda small compared to everything,"Tenko! Nice to meet you after so long." He seemed shy and reserved, but he was talking like an extrovert,"Thanks for taking care of her. Keep her safe okay?" She turned to you,"Listen to him and tell him off about anything I told you about." It seemed as if she didn't let down on the 'I hate men' behaviour around him.

Well, you learned something new: Your mom trusted only two men and that's it.


Tenko took a lot of pride in her Neo Aikido, but also Aikido in general. That being said, you of course spent some of your time being taught Aikido. Usually it was on weekdays, the days when you and your friends couldn't bother to go out.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now