First Words - V3

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Part 3 of you saying your first word to them!

Kaede Akamatsu:

Like usual you were sitting on your mother's lap as she played piano. She had found out it was easier to keep you calm like this, since you enjoyed listening to the sounds coming from the piano.

This time your tiny little brain decided you should try to play as well. You reached out to one of the white keys and tried to push it down. Kaede stopped playing and watched you slightly struggle.

At this point you didn't want to call it quits but was preparing to call on your mom if you actually needed help,"Mm..... Am.." You mumbled as you waved your little hand up and down, trying to press down the key. Kaede helped you stand up to it was easier,"Mm.... Ma..." you were getting a bit frustrated since the key wasn't doing what you wanted it to.

Finally you decided that if the key wasn't going to go down you were going to ask your mother to, in one word,"Ma...mama!!" You said in your small, frustrated voice. Instead of pressing down the key for you, Kaede held you up and congratulated you like the small angel you were.

Shuichi Saihara:

Today your dad was at home with you, even though he was still trying to solve the case he was on from home. You were slightly mesmerised by the little pictures strung up and the load of papers sitting on his desk. I mean, the pictures were quite colourful but if you really knew what was going on they were very dark.

Your dad held you as he sat down at his desk, sort of leaning you against it so you can stand. He saw you reaching out for one of your toys on the ground, and handed you it,".. A.. Da.." Right now you were just speaking gibberish but to him it was clear what you were trying to do.

Shuichi finally put you down to sit on his desk as you waved around your toy rather violently. You decided that you also wanted your dad to play with you but he was too focused on the pictures on the wall.

"Da.. A!" You tried to get his attention but Shuichi didn't budge. You tried again,"Da.. Da!!!" He looked at you a bit surprised,".. D-.. Dada!!" You saying that didn't really take him by surprise but he was extremely happy you did say it.

After that he took a break from the case to play with you because you wanted it and deserved it.

Maki Harukawa:

Both your mom and dad were at home today, meaning they were trying to win a small bet they had set. The bet was whether you'd say Mama or Dada. Kaito was very adamant you'd say dada but you would just refuse. Well, you wouldn't refuse but you'd slightly ignore him and play with your toys.

On the other hand, you listened to your mother very well. You weren't trying to say Mama but Maki knew since you were listening you'd say it. And she was right.

You were in the living room whilst you were waiting to get a nice afternoon snack. Your dad picked you up and spun you around, since you liked that for some reason.

Kaito sat down on the couch, still holding you and making sure not to drop you on accident. You giggled in your 1 year old glory and slightly tried to squirm out of his hands.

At some point you got a bit impatient,"Ma.. Mm.." You were almost there, your heard the word mama so many times you needed just a tiny bit more to sound it out and you could shout it across into the kitchen,"Ma... Ma.. Mama!!!" You shouted that so loudly Maki heard and stuck her head out from the kitchen to see a saddened Kaito and a smiling baby,".. Kaito pay up tonight.. Well done Y/N!" Maki turned on her encouraging mother mode and after she gave you your food congratulated you for:
1. Saying mama
2. Making her win the bet.

Miu Iruma:

Of course the amazing, gorgeous girl genius Miu Iruma was working on her amazing inventions. You were in a high chair near her and you were playing with a mechanical duck Miu made specially for you.

You may or may not have been struggling to turn it on after you turned it off and currently you had no way to alert your mom. Yeah she checked on you, but sometimes she can get way too focused and forget she's a mother of a living, breathing 1 year old.

You decided that if she wouldn't check in you soon you're not going to struggle getting it to work, and you're going to try to alert her as loud as possible.

And here you were preparing your vocal chords to either shout randomly or try to say an actual word,"A!!.... Ma.. Mm...." You started trying to grab her attention.

"Am!!... Ma!!" So far not good. Slammed your little hands down on the little table attached to the highchair. Finally you said it,"Mama.. MAMA!!" you shouted that basically at the top of your lungs.

Miu gasped, stopped what she was doing and looked towards you,"... N/N say that again!!" Miu dropped her stuff and went to pick you up,"Mama!" Miu was ecstatic,"Aaawww! Mommy's little girrrlll!!" Miu exclaimed and hugged you tightly.

Kokichi Ouma:

You loved trying to snatch your father's scarf. And he didn't like it. But he let you try anyways, it was practically glued to him there was no way for you to snatch it off...

Or so he thought! You snatched like a little demon.

Little did you both realise that would cascade down into him repeating the word dada so you can say it and you deciding that you're going to say it indeed.

"No- Y/N, it's dada-" Right now he was correcting you for spouting absolutely irrelevant gibberish. You continued defying him like a tiny idiot, which you were since you were like 1 years old,"Am... A!!"

He picked you up,"Dada! Not just A-" He said and got cut off by your tiny little face telling him you're frustrated.
"What? You can atleast try-" You snatched his scarf again but this time by pure accident. He sighed and tried to take it back.

You got slightly angrier as he tugged it gently from your hands,".. Dada!!" You shouted angrily with your little voice. Kokichi was ecstatic and let you keep the checkered scarf for the rest of the day.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now