Sports - V3

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In the wise words of monokuma: it's not danganronpa without monokuma
But here we are, without Monokuma

Kaede Akamatsu:

It's not PE without being confused about what is going on.

You only did sport in school, so PE came in handy but you didn't really like it. You didn't like it because your teacher wasn't good at teaching, so to speak.

You also hated that she'd make you go outside in the rain and then everyone in your class would have a cold the next day.

Luckily you were one of the PE teacher's favourites since you were good at things like long jump. So you got a free pass at doing almost nothing, but of course you'd still help out your friends.

Shuichi Saihara:

You were very interested in badminton. You were pretty talented at it when you did it in school, and something about it captivated your attention.

After a few days of doing badminton in your PE classes and realising potential talent and gaining a massive obsession with it, you decided to ask if you could get badminton classes.

"Are you sure? I don't want you giving up like you did with tennis." Your dad said, remembering the time you had a small phase where you really liked  tennis,"Yeah!! I promise!!" You said eagerly,"Okay then. Just keep your promise." he said.

And you did keep your promise. Basically for the rest of your time you solely focused on badminton practise, always also playing badminton in the back garden where it was quite spacious. That included dragging your dad outside to play with you when he could.

Safe to say, you'd never stop taking part in this sport.

Maki Harukawa:

You may or may not have been dragged around a few times to your dismay. It wasn't your fault it was 7 am and you'd just woken up but your mother might be going on a jog, so you're dragged along.

Other times you'd either make your mom or your dad play tennis with you. This time it was your mom and you know she is not going easy on you. If it means competition she will compete, of course she'd take you into consideration but knowing that you're pretty good at tennis she didn't need to take it easy.

Here you were, both walking down to the park where the tennis courts were, talking about your dad who was currently in space (he has achieved his goal!). Maki had remembered how when Kaito was younger he was a tennis player.

Keeping that in mind you're probably going to start taking tennis lessons, but it might not be your main sport.

Miu Iruma:

I mean, if you knew a lot about the human body, nutrition, etc you'd know that you can't just keep a godly body without working out. Sure, to you it looked like using pure muscle to make machines was quite enough of a workout but on top of that occasionally you'd be dragged to the gym with your mom.

Luckily Miu wasn't really those types of gym girls where they record themselves to say that a guy was staring at her in the gym.. Not anymore, she probably would've done that in highschool to be completely honest.

So here you were, being dragged to the gym and you and your mom taking turns because she can't leave her child to run around the place, even if you were pretty responsible (Thanks for teaching us to be calm, Keebo).

So basically, you only did a proper sport in school. Outside of school you were just dragged to the gym and given pain for atleast 3 days.

Kokichi Ouma:

Who needed Cross Country when you had chasing your best friend everywhere because he refuses to give either your food or shoes back. For some reason Hiro liked to take your shoes to stop you from going outside.

The funny thing was, with the amount of times you've chased him it's as much as you running in the cross country club as school so you didn't bother doing anything else but that. Eventually you got pretty fast so you'd tackle Hiro to the ground and steal your things back.

Back in the days when you couldn't catch him, Kokichi would stand at a corner and just do this super creepy face, which made Hiro stop running. When he stopped running because he tried to process what he'd seen, you'd tackle him and take your stuff.

Basically you didn't need sport, you had playing high stakes tag.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now