An Ultimate - SDR2

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Hajime Hinata:

"Let's see here... There it is!" You took a book from one of the shelves and handed it to a small child,"Thank you miss!" The child ran off with their book in hand.

Where you lived you were old enough to do volunteering. You volunteered to help at the library, that one place you loved to spend your time.

Not to sound old but back in your day not a lot of kids liked going to the library. But recently a lot have been coming to enjoy their favourite picture books and stuff like that. A lot of the time the kids would ask you to read to them, and so you'd sit down together on the bean bags on the floor, and you'd read something like Matilda or Diary Of A Wimpy Kid to them.

Sometimes you would overhear the librarian talking to the other volunteers, saying how kids would just come to the library because you were there to read them stories. You didn't really believe that, you just enjoyed helping people out.

Not a day passed by that you didn't like doing your volunteer work. Sometimes you would be allowed to check people out with their borrowed book or take borrowed books back.

You'd help around so much people just assumed you were the librarian, and you'd have to explain you weren't,"Well then you're a great volunteer," The person looked at your name tag,"Y/N!"

"Thanks, I'm flattered." You replied. The person went on with their day.

And here you were at the end of the day ready to go home when the librarian walks up to the counter to take control,"I hope you have a nice day dearie, and notify me when you finally get an acceptance letter to Hope's Peak!" She chuckled. You waved,"I will! Goodbye Mrs [Redacted]!"

You walked out, those last words she said echoing in your head on the way home.

Nagito Komaeda:

By now you were able to predict you would have an Ultimate talent. How? Your terrible luck. Unlike your dad who has some sort of twisted version of amazing luck, you have absolutely terrible luck. You would almost get ran other, hit with basketballs in the face during PE, trip atleast every 30 minutes, lose pens or pencils, your pen pops in the middle of the day and in the middle of the week, and the list goes on.

Hell, it wasn't only you that could predict it. Your dad and brother could, some of your friends could, some of your teachers could, it was very obvious,"Daddddd, another pen has popped.." You shouted from the front door right after you had gotten home. You took your shoes off and walked inside to the living room, holding a leaking pen,"How many pens has it been this week?" he said rather condescendingly as you went to throw the pen away,"3..." You replied.

"It'll be fine. If you just wait until you get into Hope's Peak, then you'll be fine. You can finally be a stepping stone for hope, working together with-" and you drowned him out, dragging yourself upstairs to get changed.

For now you just had to wait, a letter in the mail would come soon enough.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:

Since you were of course the oldest out of your siblings, you would be the next to take control of your dad's gang. You were actually a bit nervous, you weren't too good at being a leader.

Sure, you could talk in public in front of others, but leading a team during sports day at school? You could not do that. And that was one of the communication skills you needed to get good at it and fast.

"Alright, raise your hand if you want to be a team captain." Your PE teacher shouted. You raised your hand,"Alright.. Y/N, you'll be captain of team 1!" Team 1 because you are number 1.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now