Request - Teruteru Hanamura Pt. 1

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I'll be splitting this up into two parts because oh my god there's one too many scenarios. This is a sort of scenario catch up!
If anyone reading this doesn't like Teruteru you have a valid opinion but please do not start anything in the comments, don't stoop down to that level of hate.
I'm so sorry if this took too long btw, I've been really busy with school and stuff and I'll get working on part 2 as you read this! :))
(also Teruteru might be a bit out of character bc he barely lived for me to see any sort of proper interaction with others)

Requested by: @Alyza39

Part of their world:

At first glance and first interaction people would say Teruteru would never be able to find love.. To which he actually did. He found a woman who would put up with his questionable behaviour and oh my gosh he was so happy about it.

They'd been married for a while now, she'd help him with the Hanamura Diner and help his mama, just what he really wanted in someone. They'd both been really happy in the relationship, and just 9 months ago something happened that most people didn't think would.

It was 9 months after Teruteru and his wife found out she was pregnant, at first he was skeptical however. After all he'd been told growing up, he wasn't even sure the child was his. His wife reassured him that she hadn't cheated, why would she? Today was the day where he'd finally get to meet his little daughter.

Sitting and waiting was the only thing he was able to do, holding his lover's hand in silence as she drifted away to sleep. Sooner than he'd thought the doctors were back with a little baby: Teruteru's little baby.

Teruteru held her ever so gently,"Am I holding her right?" He asked the doctors, who nodded in response. He never thought this day would come, where he's holding his own little child in his own small arms.

Welcome to the Hanamura family.

First Words:

You were a very talkative baby. Teruteru made sure to pay a lot of attention to you and your needs, and just in general multitasking caring for his family Diner and his own family.

At this point in the evening rush hour had ended, yet the smell of food was still strongly present as well as the happy chatter of customers. A lot of the time you'd be there and try to mimic how they were talking, to which you were met with smiles and people thinking you're adorable. You weren't allowed in the kitchen of course but when Teruteru got to take a break he was immediately there to entertain you.

Currently you were sitting with grandma, who usually took more breaks due to her medical issues. She was trying to help you say both mama and dada, leaving it up to chance to see who you'd prefer... It was pretty obvious who you preferred. You  were blabbering off, repeating A and D and just sounding out the letters.

"D.. A.. Da.." Now you're piecing them together, what a smart baby you are.

In a sudden you heard a familiar door click, however not turning back to see who it was. You didn't pay attention as your grandma handed you to someone else, letting them hold you in literally the most comfortable way possible.

You turned your small head to see the face of the one who was holding you. In an instant you recognised him and happily shouted out,"Dada!"

All chatter paused in the room and it felt as if you were on a stage. You were met with two wide smiles, being quickly taken away by Teruteru to show your mother that his little girl has said her first word.

First steps:

You knew how to stand, and you could do it well. You knew how to crawl, and you could do it well.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now