Freetime/Hobbies - SDR2

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I'm so lucky lucky, I'm so lucky lucky, I'm so lovely lovely, I'm so lovely lovely

Hajime Hinata:

Having a lot of freetime you found yourself spending a lot of it in the local library. Not to brag by calling yourself Matilda, but you had read basically every book in the kids section and soon enough moved onto the adults section of books (of course avoiding the more in appropriate ones).

At one point you had volunteered to help out the librarian and she let you, so here you were looking like a tiny kid dragging around a bunch of books and sorting them.

Sometimes you'd bring your little brother to the library with you, and you'd both sit and enjoy some kids picture book. It was nice being away from your dad and stuff after all.

Sooner or later your freetime would be spent creating a small library corner in your room. Basically what you did for a couple of weeks was ask your dad to buy a book and you read it, really speedily, and then you'd put it on your shelf. Whilst waiting for a book to arrive you'd to stuff like customise your shelf to make it look more interesting.

Mako, your little brother, was pretty good at making blobby little shapes like cow prints and you basically hired him to help you do that by paying him with chocolate buttons after school.

Safe to say your freetime was always busy with something relating to books and libraries.

Nagito Komaeda:

Who needs hobbies when you always fail fabulously. Sure, you had a lot of freetime to try and find a nice hobby but everything you tried was crap. Not to be self deprecating but man you were bad at everything. Maybe you were jsut generally unlucky.

That didn't exactly though because Tsukasa was bad at smash bros so it'd always be a draw or you'd win.

To emphasise your unluckiness, if you tried any sport either you or someone would get hurt. This may or may not have resulted of a slight ban of football at home, but it was alright at school and stuff.

However, even at school you always managed kick the football and hit someone in the face with it.

Personally, you don't think anything good would happen if you had hobbies or in general fooled around in your free time.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:

Now with a baby sister, your freetime had been decreased. Sure, you had your fair share of freetime but a lot of the times you'd be trying to help your dad take care of Kokomi.

The thing was was that you were clueless and he was slightly clueless. He was serious about taking care of your sister it's just that he never really got the chance to take care of you in ways he'd have to take care of Kokomi.

Sometimes you'd have to call on your mother to help out, but most times you both barely managed.

When you did have normal freetime it was spent outside trying to climb the tree in the back yard. It was a tall tree and looked climbable, what can you say?

Well you were able to climb it until you fell and didn't go near it for the next couple of weeks.

During those couple of weeks you would just stay inside and play video games or go outside with your very few friends from school.

You didn't particularly have any hobbies, not that it bothered you anyways.

Sonia Nevermind:

Freetime? Never. With all of those 30 languages to learn there is no way you have enough freetime.

But hypothetically if you did, you'd love to spend it by going outside to the garden and looking at the pretty flowers planted there.

It was spring so some flowers were starting to bloom, and others still had yet to bloom but it was all very pretty. Bees would be flying about and landing on the flowers, or you'd find a lone ladybug waddling amongst the grass.

Possibilities weren't endless when it came to flowers, but the possibilities that were there were entertaining enough to you.

Often times in school people would talk about hobbies, and this made you remember you have none. Constantly studying was definitely not a hobby, neither was learning about firearms or politics. A lot of the kids your age had nice hobbies like art or writing but you didn't and it made you slightly jealous.

From now on you'll just be thinking about what you could say was your hobby.

Mahiru Koizumi:

You had a moderate amount of freetime. You were adamant to help out your mother once you were able to get a job. You were very grateful for all she has done for you, and you have always wanted to repay her in some shape or form.

This meant you'd do your best to study and get a good job and then you could either buy her something and just give her money, you didn't care if she refused you wanted to show how grateful you were.

At some point your studies started revolving around people. Not anthropology, but just reading other people's stories stood out to you.

So then you spent your freetime writing people's stories. Starting off simple you did yours, and then your sister's, and then Mahiru's and so on. At this point it had become a hobby of yours. Luckily it didn't stray you from your studies, you were on your way to have a nice job at some point in the future.

Kazuichi Soda:

You actually found interest in your dad's work. This had led you into a daily habit of you begging your dad to help, him saying no, you giving up and then coming back 20 minutes later to ask again, and the cycle continues.

Sooner or later you were allowed to help... Only to pass tools but it was something!

Then at some point in school basically every lesson was about careers and what type of careers there are. And your brain landed on one singular career.. Architecture.

Like, hell yeah you wanted to build buildings. And you were gonna make that dream come true.

At this point all of your freetime was spent watching videos and you ambitiously drawing out buildings.

That was fun.

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