Sports - SDR2

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My new obsession is the song Butch 4 Butch

Hajime Hinata:

Let's face it, like most normal kids you weren't really into sport. Like sure, you can do it and have represented the school at sporting events and all that. That, however, was really just the bare minimum to actually pass the year. Your school has a graduation system. One of the requirements is to represent the school in a sporting event. To you that didn't matter much but you didn't really want to do any sporting events.

Currently, you were on the minibus in your school's PE uniform on the way to the sporting event. One of the teachers got up and stood in the middle of the aisle,"We're going to stop for a break and get some food from McDonald's soon! We need to fill out a list of what everyone wants so quiet down!" Stopping and getting something from McDonald's wasn't heavenly but it was a nice stop.

Sooner or later you had gotten to whichever stadium the sporting event was at. The more excited kids were already jumping up and down, already basically wasting energy,"Come on Y/N! Look a bit more lively!!" One of your friends was jumping up and down, a bit too excited,"No thanks I would like to save up my energy-"

And you were right to save up your energy because you were the one that actually helped your school win.

Nagito Komaeda:

After that incident with the ball almost hitting your dad in the face you were only really around to kick around a ball when you were at the park.

You were pretty good at football, but no other sport. You didn't really have the luck to be naturally skilled, and you didn't like most sports so you didn't really want to work hard to be good.

So, unlike the incident with your dad, you were the one being almost hit in the face with a ball. You were just about to kick your ball toward Tsukasa when, out of nowhere, some other kid kicked the ball awkwardly making it fly toward you. Just in time you stepped back, looking in awe at the lone football that probably almost made you pass out.

You gave the ball back and proceeded with your own game of football, since most of the kids in your neighbourhood could only play that. You could also play tennis but that was a bit boring to most kids so everyone resorted to football, including you.

Peko Pekoyama:

You loved watching your mother train with bamboo mats and sharp katanas. You wanted to do the same sort of thing but it'd be a bit dangerous, especially for a kid like you.

Instead of sulking about it though, you got karate lessons because that was definitely close enough to what your mother did (It's actually fencing but there were like no classes available).

For a while you enjoyed it, and you still do but it sort of feels like a chore for some reason. You like it but you're just a bit too tired. It's not like you can really not participate in any classes too, they're a bit vital each time because you learn something new. And it was good use for you, because you wouldn't need a bodyguard like Fuyuhiko.

So now you could say your signature sport was karate.

Sonia Nevermind:

You excelled in most sports you did. Of course you did things tying into your military training at school. You were pretty good at push-ups actually. You also had swimming lessons, fencing lessons, boxing lessons and dancing lessons.

Of course none of it was required to become the next Queen of your land, but you thought it'd be nice to do a bunch of different things to raise your skill level in.

That being said, your most favourite lessons were your dance lessons. You also had a lot of friends from those lessons. And you were very happy to have those friends.

Mahiru Koizumi:

The only thing you really did was traditional dancing which isn't a sport. Any sport you did was in school during PE or sports day.

For some reason on sports day you'd always be assigned on the hurdles. Basically you'd be assigned to do the 100 meters races which included jumping over hurdles.

That was annoying enough until you'd basically be perminantly assigned to javelin throw which you were way worser at.

So there you were at Sports Day in the sweltering hot sun trying to throw some sort of spear thing. Not to mention it was most likely made of rubber so it would just be annoyingly uncomfortable to use.

By the end of the day you wanted to die.

Kazuichi Soda:

Who needs sport when you can pretend to be able to lift an entire care when in reality you're using some sort of lifting machine in your dad's workshop?

The only thing you were good at was table tennis in school. Your school had the luxury of having table tennis tables, ping pong balls and those net thingies. This meant a whole curriculum in PE would just be about being taught how to play table tennis but in general everyone lost the ping pong balls.

You were the type to hit the ping pong ball so hard is practically phases out of existence. You had some pretty good arm strength from helping your dad bolt things down, which meant you weren't really sure how to control said strength.

What I mean by that is that you would use a lot of your strength for absolutely no reason, and at random, without realising until something happens or someone tells you.

So here you were clutching the paddle thing used to hit the ping pong ball when you slam dunk it into the table tennis table and it just dissapears from everyone's sight.

Meanwhile your friend is staring st you, extremely confused, from the other side of the table.

Sage to say you shouldn't be allowed to play table tennis.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now