First Day Of School - V3

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And here is part 3 of getting anxiety whilst walking into school!

Kaede Akamatsu:

Your mom had given you high hopes for going to school. She'd say how you could make many friends if you were kind enough, maybe you'd even make friends with some of the more stubborn people.

She had helped you pack your bag for school the night before, making sure you didn't actually take anything you didn't actually need.

She had also given you a music note hairpin just like hers, just something you could look at for reassurance if you got scared during school.

Finally you were walking with Kaede to the school gates, looking at a bunch of other kids who were walking there too.

You reached the gate, hearing cheerful music playing from the entrance hall,"Have a nice day okay? And eat your lunch, don't just throw it away." She warned. You nodded and she kissed you on the forehead.

Your mother watched you as you calmly walked into the school building.

Shuichi Saihara:

You were a tiny bit nervous for school, but you knew you shouldn't really be worrying. What more would it be than a room packed full of little kids who were either really friendly or exceptionally mean.

You were waiting for your dad to put his shoes on until you snatched his hat. He jumped slightly,"Y/N!-" He wasn't sad or angry he was just surprised you snatched it so suddenly.

With a little cheeky smile you put the hat on as your dad sighed and unlocked the door,"Do you have your bag?" He asked before actually opening the door. Luckily that reminded you that your backpack was in the living room,"... No-"
"Run to the living room and get it, quickly-" sprinted over to get your bag and sprinted back.

After a small car ride you finally got to the school, which from your point of view looked really big.

You didn't feel the slightest but of anxiety, you were confident and excited. Before you ran in Shuichi took his hat back,"Dont cause any trouble.." He commented. You nodded and said your goodbyes, followed by you sprinting inside into the school.

Kaito Momota:

You were ready to be a little star at school, well you called yourself that because your dad's nickname for you was little star. Your parents' predictions were that you'd be more gifted in science because a topic part of that subject was Astrology.

You did take after Kaito quite a lot, which meant you also took an interest in space. And so you had your little space boots on, and you had specifically gotten a backpack with a picture of the solar system.

You were currently running to your school, followed by your dad who would run but he was a bit too tired for that. He was trying to catch up to you of course, and would occasionally tell you to slow down. You weren't even running late anyways.

When you finally did get to school you had actually arrived way early, you had been way too excited and asked to leave early, and to no one's surprise you sprinted to school. Maki wasn't even there this morning to stop you and of course Kaito gave in.

Sooner or later other kids started appearing,"Can I go in now??" You asked your dad excitedly. He patted you on the head,"Go on. Have a great day!" You gave him a tight him and ran into the school.

Miu Iruma:

Oh my god, you did not want to be publically embarrassed by your mother's way of speaking. You know, her constantly swearing or making jokes other adults don't want kids to hear.

You actually had pretty cute clothes picked out by Miu, a cute pair of jeans and a nice pink shirt. Even if she acts the way she does, she takes care of you the best she could.

You were actually joined by Kiibo on the way to school, he decided it was a good idea so both you and Miu don't do something stupid, even though the gorgeous girl genius would never.

You were a bit excited for school, you just weren't sure how all the other kids would act. Yet still you happily walked to school.

When you did reach school both you and kiibo were a bit awestruck about how big it actually was. Sooner or later you mother woke you up from that small day dream thing of yours,"Alright! You go into school, be an amazing genius like your mom and have a great day!" She instructed you whilst doing hand gestures toward the school,"Have a nice day Y/N!" Kiibo added on.

You nodded and trotted inside the school, now more confident than you were 5 minutes ago.

Kokichi Ouma:

You thought your dad was lying about how good school was. He probably was. You didn't know yet. And that would make you suspicious of everyone and everything during school.

The day before he told you how he wanted you to pull off some pranks on your first day, the pranks were harmless anyways. And he was joking. He didn't really want you to get in trouble. Yet. That had to be saved for when you got older and had the choice to join D.I.C.E if you wanted to.

You were walking to school currently, holding onto his hand so you don't get ran over by a random car. Your bag had a checkered pattern on it just like Kokichi's scarf, as a small tell tale sign about who you were basically associated with. But with the amount of innocent kids with checkered anything no one would assume much.

You were actually pretty confident about how you'd perform in class, and so was your dad. You were pretty smart, just like him.

Well anyways, you were finally at the school entrance. A bunch of other kids were already walking in. You said your goodbyes and you walked into the school, still a bit skeptical but confident.

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