Hiya Barbie! - Bonus Scenes (All Games)

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This is to celebrate the cute release of the Barbie Movie! (This is protagonists and supports, sorry antags and other characters.)

In all of these scenarios you will be adult aged, and going back home after a while.

Makoto Naegi:

Barbie? Yes.

Being like most kids, you had the entire goddamn DREAMHOUSE. You had watched all of the barbie movies, and had multiple barbie dolls.

You weren't the maniacal kid that tore them apart, but your sister sure was. If you could remember correctly, the barbies were 1 of 2 types: either absolutely destroyed or in pristine condition.

You had recently got some time off of work for the summer holidays and so had your sister, which means you had both decided to go back to your childhood home. It was a surprise, your parents didn't actually know you were going to be coming over.

So here you were in the car with your sister, you had taken the courtesy of driving there,"But uh, remember the barbies?" You asked. Kana nodded,"Yeah, all of my barbies were torn apart-"

"I remember this one time you cut the hair off to give her a bob cut.." You reminisced. Your sister chuckled,"Yeah I really wanted one for some reason." She said.

When you reached the house it looked smaller than it did when you were a child, but it was only natural. You both went up and knocked on the door, hearing a "coming!" from the other side. Your father opened it,"Y/N! Kana!" You both received a hug. Just as you had grown he had too, you felt kind of bad for the guy since your mother was at work almost constantly. Although he has work, from what you remember he could just work from home.

He let you both in,"Hi dad!" You said in unison.

A small while later you both went up to your shared room,"There they are!" you exclaimed, running to the box of misshaped barbies. Actually, those were your sister's but who cares. It was nice to see the barbies again.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

You and your sister had decided to make a surprise visit to your childhood house. You had just gone up to your room and saw the box of barbies you had desecrated as a little kid. Both you and your sister sat down on the floor together and she opened the box,"Oh my god they're just as bad as I remember them.." Kaori said. You lightly punched her on the shoulder,"They're not that bad! I think I made them beautiful, actually!" You pouted.

You heard the front door open, and you both raced downstairs,"HI MOM!!" You both shouted. Your mother got startled, and she only slightly showed it. You and your sister both went to hug her,"Did you both take time off of work?"

"Yeah, it's the summer holidays after all." Your sister said. You nodded,"We were actually looking at our old barbies.. You look very pink today-" You looked at Kyoko up and down. She lightly smiled,"I know." Makoto laughed,"She's in the Barbie spirit!" He said.

"Well, we all need to be in the barbie spirit because.. I got all of us tickets to go watch the movie!" You exclaimed. Your sister got really excited,"For when!?"


Makoto smiled,"Y/N you didn't have to.."

"Well you put up with me destroying half of the Barbies when i was a kid, it's time to do something for both of you." You said.

You're not in a fantasy world, but it felt as if you were. It's fantastic.

Hajime Hinata:

You spent a lot of your time around children. You were the owner of a very comfy library, and you liked to go out of your way and entertain the little kids whose parents let them pick out picture books and stuff like that.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now