Siblings - THH

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Right I know I reused the same concept for Makoto's, Kyoko's, Mondo's and Ishimaru's but I wasn't really sure what else to do, basically all of them except Ishimaru don't strike me as the type of people to adopt a second kid so you'll have to do with the reused scenario-

(Also I'm an only child so I'm just trying to figure out how to write stuff about siblings by using things I've heard about siblings)

This contains Naegiri and Ishimondo.

Makoto Naegi:

He should've done this long before you were born, but he married Kyoko Kirigiri who also had a child. Now you had a little sister called Kana Kirigiri. Knowing your father was going by the surname Kirigiri you of course had to go by that name too, you couldn't be the only one going by Naegi in the household.

So here you were at the wedding sitting next to your step-sister, who was only around 3 months younger. You turned to look at her,".. Kana, right?" you whispered as to try not to be rude. She looked back at you,"Mhm. You're Y/N?" She whispered back and you nodded in response. You hadn't actually got the chance to meet a lot, either you were outside with friends or she was at some sort of club gathering.

And so the day was over and for now you'd have to part ways just for tonight, but to be honest you enjoyed being around her, she was very calm.

The next day you all went outside, trying not to make things awkward and stuff. But you finally got to be formally introduced to eachother,"Y/N, that's your sister Kana. Don't worry, you're not sharing a bedroom." Makoto spoke. You nodded and she held out her hand as a silent hello. You shook her hand and immediately got distracted by the ice cream truck.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

Your mother was marrying a man called Makoto Naegi, who as well had a child who was three months older. Her name was Kaori. Kyoko had told you that she'd met her before, telling you you would be able to get along perfectly fine so there was no need to worry. A few days earlier you had met eachother at your parents' wedding. She seemed more energetic than you, but trying to conceal it.

Today was the day you were moving into your dad's house. Your mother and now father had agreed upon you two moving into their house. It was only really because that house was bigger than yours, so it'd be more convenient. You were sitting in the passenger's seat next to Kyoko, you didn't actually live that far away from your new house.

When you did get to the house both you and your mother unbuckled your seatbelts,"Y/N, can you go knock on the door to alert them we're here please?" Kyoko asked. You nodded and got out of the car, walking quite quickly to the door.

Knock knock knock.

The door opened,"Y/N! Hello, I didn't expect you to be here so soon." Makoto laughed,"You can come inside, Kaori is watching Netflix right now so you can join her. I'll help out your mom with the boxes." He said, putting his outside shoes on. You let him pass by and then you walked in and took your shoes off.

All the boxes had been brought inside faster than you thought they would. That didn't really matter to you though, you were watching Is It Cake? on Netflix.

Byakuya Togami:

Like his mental plan said, he'd have atleast 3 to 4 children. All from surrogates. They were going to lead on the Togami conglomerate along side you, the oldest, after he either retires or simply dies. And so you were in your room not actually doing much but spending the little freetime you had resting, since that was important.

Until instead of you being called into his office, Byakuya walked into your room. Sure that was wierd but you didn't really make any physical reaction except look at him,"Y/N, we need to talk." that sentence sent shivers down your spine. You didn't know what he wanted to talk about and you were scared to find out,"We have talked about you having siblings countless of times." Okay you can calm down this is about having siblings.

"I have just received news that the surrogate is going to have twins." to be honest, with how much your dad deals with stocks and stuff you could guess he was thinking two for the price of one,"With the addition of the twins, you will not be having Toko by your side as always. Neither will she be taking care of your younger siblings. She will not be allowed in the mansion for some time. Do not become clingy." You nodded. Well that was Toko gone, and you were just starting to understand her better.

"I'll have her help you prepare for school tomorrow, after that you'll need to do things yourself. Now get back to reading your book." You nodded as he walked out of your room. Welp, now you needed to be prepared for two little demons to become your siblings.

Mondo Owada:

Like basically all only children, you wanted siblings when you were younger. Although that wish didn't arrive sooner, you found out recently that your dad was getting married to his boyfriend, Kiyotaka. You actually didn't mind that, you were happy for the both of them.

What you didn't know up until the wedding however, was that Kiyotaka also had a child called Ayaka. So this now meant you were going to have a sister. Luckily for you you were one year older, which meant you were obviously superior. And so in true Mondo fashion, your dad had asked for an after wedding party and guess who was invited...

Some of the Crazy Diamonds.

Don't worry, he warned them about acting civil, not like they'd listen anyways. So here you were sitting on the same table as Ayaka whilst watching whatever the hell was going on,"You're Y/N right? Nice to meet you!" She held out a hand, all formal and stuff. You shook her hand,"Yeah, nice to meet you too." You greeted back.

She was very mannered like Kiyotaka, honestly you were wondering how you'd be able to get along knowing how you behaved. Oh well, sooner or later they'd be moving into your house so you'd have to make room for her in your room.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

For a while now you had known that your father was getting married. Well you practically knew everything. Ishimaru and his new husband had been dating for a very long time but knowing their quite opposite behaviours you wondered how they stayed together. You also knew that your new dad, Mondo, also had a daughter called Aoi who was one year older.

You weren't actually able to meet up until the wedding, you were always occupied with sports or after school clubs and activities. And then you finally met eachother and then practically the very next day you were moving into a new house. Well, new to you but not your dad since he'd been to visit Mondo atleast 100 times in his lifetime.

You had just gotten out of the car when the door opened whilst hearing your sister say,"I'm going to bring in the heaviest box from the car trunk and you're gonna watch me!" Yup she sounded very riled up. Your dad or step-dad or whatever you were meant to call him walked past her,"Mhm, dream big." Well her sass mixed with his sass was going to be fun to watch.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now