First Steps! - THH

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Hey look at that, you've finally started walking!

Makoto Naegi:

You had spent the day with your auntie, Komaru. You personally really liked her, she was just really cool in your little eyes. One thing she had started to do recently was hold you up to stand and let you stretch your little legs out.

You had actually been trying to step forward. And so you progressed with your steps.

Soon your dad came by to pick you up. Your auntie opened the door for him whilst holding you,"Dada!!" you cheered. Your auntie handed you over,"Oh by the way, she's sorta started understanding how to walk!!" She said. Makoto looked at you as you were trying to reach for his ahoge but you couldn't reach it of course,"Oh, has she?"

"Yeah, you should try helping her at home!" Komaru smiled. Makoto smiled back,"Thanks Komaru! I'll see you tomorrow I guess," Your father looked down towards you,"say bye to auntie Komaru, N/N!" you waved your little hand to say goodbye.

You were brought home and after eating you were determined to walk. Well, as you were trying to stand up by yourself you kept on falling down. At one point Makoto held you up to help.

You swung one foot forward, and then the next, and then the next. You didn't really even realise your dad had let you go, you just went for it. Finally you reached your limit and flopped back onto the ground.

Makoto picked you up,"Well done Y/N!!" he cheered happily.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

What better way for Kyoko to spend her off day than to try to get her small child to walk. She had actually tried different tactics to try and get you to walk, but none of them really worked. You would just crawl.

You just wanted the stuff she was trying to bribe you with, you did not care in what way you travelled towards her.

Finally Kyoko tried one last tactic. She made you stand up and hold onto the couch for balance. She then stood a bit further away and held her arms out,"Come on Y/N, walk to mommy!" she tried to atleast hint at the enthusiasm and determination she was feeling currently.

You held out your hand, doing a grabby motion since you wanted her to come to you, not you to go to her. Finally you just gave up trying to call her over and started trying by yourself. You put one foot forward, and then the next, and then the next.

You slightly struggled to walk after letting go of the couch but you trudded on like a little champion.

Finally you reached your mother, who hugged you and congratulated you.

Byakuya Togami:

He wasn't really socialising with you as much as you'd like, which made you determined to walk to him by yourself. But you couldn't yet.

Of course, since Toko was basically assigned as your nanny she tried her best to help you find a way to walk. She would hold you up, to which you'd grumble negatively and she'd let you sit back down.

This time she instead let you hold onto the drawers across from the door. Toko stepped near the door and in her stutter voice tried to call you over.

You may or may not have fallen and started crawling.. But that didn't make your determination to walk dissappear!

Toko now instead moved to the hallway, since it was longer than the room you were in. Little did the both of you know the door to Byakuya's office wasn't really shut, and since it was the first door in that hallway your determination spiked to its peak.

You stood up, awkwardly maintaining your balance. You stared at Toko, you KNEW she wanted you to walk to her but you had other plans.

You took some wobbly steps forward and got to the door. Instead of continuing towards Toko you opened the door and took a wobbly step inside your father's office.

He immediately spotted you and stopped working on his computer. You were smiling like it was the end of the world and you didn't know it. You little treck towards him was cut short by him picking you up,"Did you walk here by yourself?" it was pretty obvious what happened.

He kept quiet but was still looking at you,"... Well done Y/N." he said and then spotted Toko peeking through the opened door.

You were brought back to your room and Byakuya watched you walking again to make sure it wasn't a fluke.

Mondo Owada:

Listen, you can stand up like a champ. Your daily routine basically just consists of you standing. Your dad didn't mind it either, he thought you looked kinda funny just standing still in one place and doing or saying nothing and just staring into space. But of course standing has to come to an end, and you'd plop down onto the floor sooner or later.

You were standing to get into the little passenger's seat attached to your dad's motorcycle, that's how good you were at standing. Now you just needed to figure out how to step forward and walk.

For some reason, one of your dad's tactics was to literally lift your tiny leg up and make you step forward just to demonstrate how to walk. And honestly...

It worked.

After a few attempts of that you started trying on your own. You finally got the hang of it whilst holding onto furniture, so you just needed to learn not to hold onto anything.

You trudded forward towards your dad. You focused a lot onto your little feet that at one point you forgot you weren't holding onto the coffee table anymore.

You successfully reached your dad, who picked you up and celebrated with you as you giggled.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

No joke he has a time management thing where he spends a few minutes each day trying to get you to walk.

Surprisingly enough, his plan was working. You were actually progressing pretty well with your walking.

Today your dad set you up to try and walk whilst holding onto furniture. He called to you which made you wobble and stumble forward but you got to him safely in the end.

Then, he started taking away the furniture one by one each try. You did actually walk without the furniture.

Finally he pushed away the last piece of furniture to see if you could make it the whole way. And you did! The rest of the day was practically a celebration for an achievement.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now