First Steps! - V3

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Welcome to part 3 of wow you can actually walk now? D I E. /j

Kaede Akamatsu:

Like usual your mom was playing piano for you. You actually really enjoyed it, and she didn't mind playing for you either. But usually you'd be sitting still and listening. Today you weren't.

You were being pretty active, like crawling around everywhere or aggressively trying to throw your plushies against the wall.

Kaede finally picked you up,"Okay Y/N - stop throwing your plushies around." She slightly scolded you, to which you responded by squirming around in her grasp. She put you down on the floor to stand.

And then, in a brilliant moment of I don't know what you wobbled your little leg forward. Kaede kept a hold of your little hands as you wobbled forward. Sooner or later she let go but you didn't notice so you just wobbled forward.

Another achievement your mother would remember for a very long time.

Shuichi Saihara:

Your dad was working from home again so he could look after you. He couldn't always just ask Kaede or Kaito to look after you. You were a bit of a handful anyways. Contrasting to Shuichi you were very energetic, well very energetic for a baby or toddler.

That being said currently you were forcing Shuichi to play with you, and you just kept on handing him toys. At some point you got bored, and your father could clearly tell. Every time you started getting bored you'd look frustrated or tired.

With your little burst of energy you let go of your toys and tried to get up. You still weren't very used to standing up on your own, but you could hold your own weight. Shuichi had his hand behind you incase you were actually going to fall backwards like you used to.

You had your hand out and was trying to reach out for something that wasn't in front of you. You started taking tiny steps forward and before you knew it you had walked to the other side of the room. As soon as you actually realised you were walking you plopped back down onto the floor.

Right after Shuichi picked you up, as happy as ever!

Kaito Momota:

Your mom wasn't there this morning so your dad was trying his best to make sure you don't do something that'll get him murdered. And he really needed to look after you because you are a really hyper child.

It was near lunchtime, around the time Maki would call to check on you and make sure Kaito didn't do anything stupid.

You were sitting in between the couch and the TV, accompanied by your dad who may or may not have been sleeping on the couch. Well in the very least you managed to wake him up.

Being a bit more like Kaito, you had to show off your skills in standing. And so you looked at Kaito in conformation that you're going to show off like an idiot.

You shakily stood up and held up your weight. Of course, Kaito was ready to catch you if you fell.

You stood there like a little champ, not even struggling to balance. After standing there for a good few seconds you decided to try and step forward.

And you did. As soon as you went for your second step your mom called your dad and he immediately turned the camera to face you. You were taking your first steps.

When Maki got home you got a hug of your lifetime.

Miu Iruma:

Today one of your mom's friends, Kiibo, was over. You liked it when he was there, it was really fun when you'd try to pull of his ahoge. It was practically glued to his head so your tiny little hands couldn't pull it off.

Currently, Kiibo was powered off and Miu was working on him. You were quite curious as to what was going on. However, your little highchair playpen thing was far away from where your mom and kiibo were.

Luckily you weren't in the highchair right now, but you needed to get past the little fence thing. You crawled over to it, but quickly found out you wouldn't really be able to move it with your small head.

You got up and balanced by holding the fence thing. You then realised you can move it with your hands, and so you did. Miu heard the fence scraping against the floor and looked to where you were standing. You stared back in your tiny glory.

".. N/N did you move the fucking gate?-" Oh yeah I forgot, Miu swears around you and doesn't care. Back to the topic at hand, her sentence was cut short by you wobbling towards her. And of course needing to show the world how amazing her child was, Miu quickly powered Kiibo on to see.

He was confused until she pointed to you, who was almost there and wobbling towards her. Finally you got to your destination. Your mother picked you up and basically started squealing,"Aahh, N/N I knew you were as amazing as your mama!!~"

Safe to say she was extremely happy, and kiibo was happy too.

Kokichi Ouma:

So like usual you were doing something that slightly annoyed your dad but he'd brush it off, you were too small. This time you may or may not have been pulling his hair but y'know, all tiny kids do that.

Kokichi put you down on the floor,"No more hair pulling-" you didn't even need hair to pull, you started to tug on his trousers. That was just more annoying than him maybe.

Your dad picked you up again and put you behind the baby gate leading to the other room,"Y'know you're staying there until you stop, right?" He talked to you like you could actually understand and give back articulated responses. You reached up to the baby gate and could basically touch the top but wasn't sure how to actually unlock it.

Kokichi stepped a bit further away, maybe like around 6 meters away. You kept on reaching up to the baby gate and fiddling around with the lock.

Eventually, you were successful in unlocking the gate. After opening it for yourself you made the daring choice to try and walk instead of crawl.

So you took one wobbly step, and another, and another, and another, until you finally reached your dad. He forgot all small grudges he may or may not have been holding against you, picked you up and congratulated your for walking.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now