Babysitting - THH

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POV: you were sitting at a pool changing room typing most of this trying not to get anyone else to look down at your phone so they don't think you're most likely mentally ill/hj
(a girl took my spot on the bench and now I hold a grudge against her.)

Makoto Naegi:

So of course your mother couldn't look after you, she was basically constantly at work and you really only saw her in the mornings and evenings. Including that, sometimes your dad would have to stay back at work because of course. And this left you with one other option..

Going to Auntie Komaru's house and almost dying because of a little demon she had adopted called Monaca. Well, to be honest you'd risk it. Being at Auntie Komaru's meant extra special treatment like constant Disney movies, being able to show her memes and her understanding and all good things like that. So you were ready to risk being thoroughly creeped out by Monaca but you'd like to happily draw with Jataro.

Now usually, it'd just be you going to Auntie Komaru but now you have a sibling. It would be a bit awkward but in your head you had it all under control. In real life you didn't.

Here you were standing at the front door with your sister,"Okay, ground rules. Try not to associate with the green haired girl, she's a demon. You can talk to the others but they're all wierd in their own way. Also don't say the word gentle to Kotoko, she'll freak out... Really badly. I still dunno why." Your sister nodded and you knocked on the door.

A bit of arguing was heard behind the door when a kid with red hair and blue eyes opened the door,"MISS KOMARU IT'S Y/N!!!" He shouted,"Masaru you can just refer to me as mom-- Hi Y/N welcome back!! Oh and that must be your sister?" You nodded,"Come on in then! We can do introductions with everyone in the living room!"

Safe to say when you were being driven home Kana may or may not have started crying about how terrifying Monaca is but then switching moods immediately to talk about how she had fun drawing cute things with Kotoko and Jataro.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

Usually, when your mother couldn't look after you she'd let you stay with your grandpa, Jin, even if she still somewhat held some sort of anger towards him. That was all fine and dandy, because you'd get to see him like 5 days a week.

Now that you could be either taken care of by your dad or your auntie, it slimmed the chances of you getting to stay at your grandpa's house. But today, your auntie wasn't able to take care of you so the next person is your grandpa.

You stood in front of the door with your sister, and your mother was behind you. She usually stayed with you until you went inside the house. You knocked on the door and it opened,"Ah Kyoko, you're earlier than I'd expect." Your mother nodded,"Y/N you know the rules, explain them to your sister please." She said,"Your father will be picking you up. I will see you at dinner." And she walked away to the car.

Jin smiled and let both of you in. On the way back home your sister was a bit more energised than usual because you convinced your grandpa to give you both chocolate.

Byakuya Togami:

Two words. No, actually not even words. A name: Toko Fukawa.

When you were younger you would spend practically your whole time around Toko. She was assigned to take care of you even if there are risks, like her sneezing and then Genocide Jill shows up and has zero clue what's going on but she goes along with everything because why not.

Now that you have two younger siblings, Arata and Haru, either you look after them or Toko looks after them or you help Toko look after them. It's a bit complicated. Let me say right now, the twins were little DEMONS.

You don't know who they got it from but jesus Christ they did everything to make your life miserable. Not to mention, Toko's life is already extremely miserable to that's definitely not fun.

Right now both you and Toko were looking after them,"W-where do t-they get tha-that attitude from???"
"The surrogate most li- Haru fork down!" Yeah no, babysitting was definitely not fun. You also had so many extra assignments to finish but no, you had to finish them tomorrow because of those tiny demons and you'd surely get in trouble for you that.

Maybe you should be kept away from little kids for a small while, to stop you from unleashing anger.

Mondo Owada:

Well actually, you were usually babysat by Taka. That meant that now since you live in the same house you didn't need to go on your dad's cool motorbike to get to the house. You actually riding around on the bike.

At the times when you weren't being babysat, you were with your dad as he sped down highways. That's definitely a bad idea with a kid in an attached seat. He didn't care thought it was fun and you didn't get hurt or anything, neither did he get arrested.

That was only when you were an only child though. Now that you were an older sister, things slightly changed. You were babysitting your sister sometimes and she followed rules to a T. You would tell her something as a joke and she'd make a mental note and actually abide by it? Is she okay?

But now thinking about it it made sense, Taka was super strict and she'd been around him her whole life.

Well anyways, it was actually kind of funny watching her follow through with everything.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

So usually you were at after school extra-curriculars. That meant you didn't actually have the need to be babysat, plus your dad worked from home so if you weren't at an extra-curricular you had someone to look after you.

But since now both of your dads would go on dates, your older sister was assigned to look after you.

When she'd tell you some sort of rule of course you'd follow by it, it's how you are. Sometimes if you do follow by it she'd snicker, you didn't understand what that was about.

And then sometimes if you pretended to be on a podium doing a public speech, aka standing on the couch she'd drag you down and you'd start play fighting because why not.

And then you'd both remember there were chores set for both of you and you diligently got them finished and then had to help your sister with the other tasks. You felt like the older one to be completely honest.

Anyways, safe to say you liked both being babysat by your dad and your sister equally.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now