Request - Tenko Chabashira pt. 1

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This was requested by @chihiroisontop!
I'm working on pt 2 as you're reading this! I have had fun writing this and I'm surprised I got it out so fast so I hope its good. More Tenko coming soon! :))

Part of their world:

As everyone in her life knew, Tenko absolutely hated men. She'd only tolerate them if she herself raised them, probably to hate their own gender. Tenko was sure that she would adopt a little girl, in her words specifically 'The boys have already been raised to be like older degenerate men!'

She herself couldn't go to the adoption centre on her own, needing someone to hold her back if a 'degenerate male' dared to be in her presence. Tenko brought her trusty friend Himiko, a friend a lot of people were suspicious about that they were in a relationship. They weren't, and Tenko loved to trip up any man who said that.

They were sitting with one of the main caretakers, who was painfully listening to Tenko explain how she dislikes men with a burning passion. Himiko cleared some things up for her, and only a few days later there was an opportunity for Tenko to be a mother.

She was given the opportunity to adopt a small infant, a little girl. Tenko had once again dragged Himiko along to sign the papers, and within. The next hour in her strong arms was a small little baby.

Her little girl, that she will teach self defense and help her in any way, shape or form.

Her little girl that she will try to get to somewhat dislike men, even if it doesn't work. She'll still love her unconditionally, no matter what.

First Words:

It was a nice spring day, and you were of course getting full attention from your mother. She wasn't really able to put you down, even Himiko heard her swear she would never ever let you get hurt or get sad or anything.

You were tugging on her hair with joy, which further motivated Tenko to not tell you off but it was inevitable,"Okay Y/N that's enough!" She gently moved your hand away, and saw your happy little smile turn upside down.

She should've predicted how much you would cry when you didn't get what you wanted.

She pulled away her head from you but you refused to stop trying to get a hold of it. You looked at her with sad eyes, mumbling something under your breath,"M.... Ma.." Tenko pulled her hair away again, much to your dismay,"Ma..!" You struggled reaching out, but Tenko realised one way she could get you to say 'Mama'. She just had to repeatedly pull her hair away, and maybe then you'd finally say your first word which she hadn't even intended to try to get you to say today.

"Ma!" You still struggled, wiggling in your mother's strong grasp. You finally had enough of that, and to fully tell her off you did one last thing,


You were crying, at this point, because you really really really just wanted to play with her hair. Tenko finally let you snatch it, however picking you up and bolting to the door and calling Himiko.

Guess who's going to have to repeat 'mama' a lot more because of their mother's pride.

First steps:

You weren't really an active baby. Yeah you liked crawling about but that was only when you wanted Tenko's attention or if you wanted a different toy. Tenko did want to keep you moving about and all, but with your refusal she couldn't really do anything.

Today Auntie Himiko was staying over, as well as Angie. All 3 of them were surrounding you as you played, and occasionally played with you when you insisted.

"I think I'm her favourite.." Himiko said, looking at Tenko and Angie,"No it's obvious I'm the favourite because I'm her mom!" Tenko said, holding you up on your little legs.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now