Detention - V3

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TYSMM 😭😭❤️❤️❤️

Kaede Akamatsu:

So, your music teacher was a sweetheart to you. But your drama teacher on the other hand.. God you hated that woman. She would shout at you for nothing. Like, how was that fair? You were trying your best.

Today was the day it got too much for you. That woman was even angrier seeing as this was the third lesson of the day, and all the classes beforehand were the year group below you. What was bad about the year group below you?

E V E R Y T H I N G.

That year group was the definition of every negative word in the English language. You were not exaggerating either. Everyone hated that year group. Even the sane kids in that year group hated their own year group.

Having said that, your drama teacher had it out for you. Every little thing you did that annoyed her she'd comment on. At this point it wasn't even funny. And guess what she did? She sent you to detention for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON.

When you got to detention they gave you a little note, stating why you were there, along with your name and year group. Sometimes you absolutely despised this school.

So now you were on your way home with your mother and you remembered to hand her the note,"Hm?... Y/N you got into detention??" You knew Kaede was going to be merciful but you still felt a tiny bit scared.

"Yeah.. My drama teacher sent me to detention for no reason.." You replied, looking at the ground in front of you. Your mother folded up the note and gave it back to you,"Well that's not nice of her is it?.. Its alright, we can do whatever you want when you get home! Is that okay?" She quickly found a compromise like always. You nodded in response,"Is there a way for me to.. Learn violin?" You asked.

"Of course there is! I can get you some violin lessons if you want!" You truly admired your mother, she was so kind and thoughtful. And even with that she still found ways to be strict and to discipline you. Turns out today wasn't that bad after all.

Shuichi Saihara:

So you got in trouble for reading a murder mystery book?? How does that make sense?? Well it didn't really matter, you were already in detention. Oh and also, you were in the principal's office since they thought that someone your age shouldn't be reading those types of things. And they called your dad in. You were physically ready to deteriorate out of existance.

It's not that you were embarrassed around him or just in general but come on, it's a murder mystery it's not even that gory. It would be a different story if you were to read Sherlock Holmes, wouldn't it? Since that's a classic and everyone knows what it's about and basically everyone had read it.

You knew Shuichi was busy but the school didn't, and they didn't care about you telling them that. They called him anyways. And when did he arrive? Around 40 minutes later. You didn't blame him, he was a busy guy. Sometimes you'd worry about him too.

"S-sorry I was really busy.. What was I called here for?" Your father asked. The principle held up the book you were reading. Shuichi looked at it and was immediately able to tell whats going on,"That book is actually perfectly fine for children her age.. I've read it myself and Y/N picked it out herself.." He said.

The principal looked a bit stunned. He made a comment about the front cover but at this point he couldn't actually make up a good reason as to why you shouldn't read it. And your dad had a lot of "evidence" to support you.

Finally the principal gave in and let you off, and you got back to class.

Maki Harukawa:

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now