Nightmares - THH

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Some scenarios might have reoccurring nightmares others won't so yeah- ALSO 300 VIEWS?? LIKE, WHOAH. IS THIS BOOK PERHAPS GETTING POPULAR??

Warning: Mentions of kidn@pping.

Makoto Naegi:

Like any normal kid you had nightmares pretty often. Well not often but after something happens that scares you or makes you sad. And basically yesterday at school your friends decided to go up behind you and scare the living daylights out of you.

Here you were in bed, gripping your favourite toy that you sleep with. Deciding that you're a big girl and nothing can stop you, you decided it's best to try and walk to your father's room since you were still terrified.

You got up slowly, clutching on to your bed to help you actually stand up. After that you slowly walked to the door, it felt like you were almost losing your balance.

The hallway looked awfully long now that you were terrified out of your mind. However you were ready for anything coming your way, especially since you were still clinging tightly onto your plushie.

You finally reached the door to your father's bedroom and twisted the doorknob, opening the door. Apparently the sound of the door opening wasn't enough to wake him up, so instead you silently walked up to his bedside,"Dad.."

Your little voice managed to wake him up,"Y/N..? Why are you awake? Did you throw up?" immediately you might've been bombarded with questions. You shook your head,"I had a nightmare.." Makoto patted the spot next to him,"Come on then, you can sleep here for the night if you want.." He said.

You climbed up onto the bed and snuggled up to your dad, still clutching onto your plushie. Safe to say you didn't have anymore nightmares that night.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

Be honest, you read that one murder mystery book that was full of gore despite your mother's warnings. She didn't know of course but now she would. How would she? You just had a nightmare and you needed comfort from her.

Here you were hiding under your blanket and trying to figure out a way to walk to your mother's room without seeing a creepy lady at the end of the hallway.

Finally you slid out from under your blanket and cautiously walked to the door. The door handle felt freezing cold as you held it to open the door.

You walked out into the hallway and luckily there was no spooky scary lady standing at the end of it. At the end of the hallway was a light coming from your mother's bedroom, it was like a light from the end of the tunnel.

What you did kind of have luck on was that today Kyoko had to stay up quite a bit late even though it meant she'd be sleep deprived the next day.

You opened the door to your mother's room, being greeted by a bright light. Your mother was sitting at her desk looking at some papers. She looked at you, looking as composed as ever,"Y/N?" you somewhat waddled over to her, being slightly in tears,"I h-had a nightmare.." Kyoko hugged you and rubbed your back.

Sooner or later she deduced that you read the book she specifically told you not to. You were in trouble but only after you got comforted and said you weren't scared anymore.

Byakuya Togami:

You weren't one for nightmares. But if you did have a nightmare it'd impact you a lot. Not that it was extremely creepy, as I said before you don't usually have them. This meant they'd be more terrifying to you than the average kid.

And as you sat up in your bed, confused and terrified, you realised the size of each room and hallway in your house isn't going to help. After all, who knows how many monsters could be hidden in the nooks and crannies of your bedroom.

Well if you wanted comfort from someone you'd have to get up. You slightly struggled getting out of bed seeing as your bed was quite tall. Your room was cold, making everything seem all the more worse. We'll the worry will have to wait, you still have half a room and a hallway to treck through.

You made no sounds as you cautiously opened the door to reveal an extremely dark hallway. You thought you'd be fine to walk through, seeing as your father's room was at the opposite end of the hall. You were still skeptical, however. Like other times you knew Byakuya would comfort you the best he could, but you were slightly scared to ask for help for some reason.

You walked through the hallway, being cautious whether anything would run at you from behind the potted plants. You finally reached the doors to your father's bedroom, and so you quietly opened the door.

Well you tried to open it quietly but you knew either way Byakuya would sense it opening and would wake up. And that's exactly what happened. You heard a slight creak come from his bed. No words needed to be exchanged for him to know why you are in his room. If you'd been sick you would've bothered Toko or dealt with it yourself.

You walked over to the bed, to which your father held out his hand to help you climb onto the bed,"What was it about?" Those were the only words he spoke that night but it showed he cared.
"I don't remember.." You replied.

You spent the rest of that night being comforted and you fell asleep peacefully.

Mondo Owada:

You may or may not have just had a dream about being kidnapped. The bad part was was that you've had that nightmare for god knows how many days in a row. It was starting to torment you, a lot. It wasn't anything to joke about.

Like the night before, you couldn't stay in bed. It was right across from the window, and you couldn't stay anywhere near it. And so you quickly stood up, not turning your gaze away from the blinds that covered the windows, you needed to make sure no one was standing and watching.

At this point you had gotten used to the cramped, dark hallway. It was nothing compared to seeing a shadow outside your window at night. You quickly opened the door and ran down to your father's room.

The door creaked as it opened, letting you hear Mondo's loud snores even more. You closed the door behind you and walked over to the bedside,"Dad.." You tugged on his shirt. This immediately woke him up,"Hm..?"

"I had that nightmare again.." You whispered. In that moment your father didn't say anything except help you climb onto the bed and hug you. That's all you needed currently. You jsut needed to know someone was there to protect you so that you wouldn't get kidnapped.

You fell asleep and woke up perfectly fine the next day.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

Your father was all about your health and safety. He wanted to make sure you didn't grow up with the issues he did.

Knowing that, each time you had a nightmare you definitely went to tell him and he could help you calm down and go back to sleep.

Tonight you had woken up more scared than before, looking around the room incase any monsters were hiding in the corners of the room. You didn't actually need to worry about getting up from bed. Both you and your father had recognised a pattern of when you woke up.

Using that, Ishimaru would check on you around the time you woke up because of a nightmare just in case. Your nightmares could get pretty messed up, he needed to be there to help you in any way possible.

You hid under your blanket, waiting to hear the door open. A few minutes later it did. You could see your father's silhouette, lit up by the lights in the hallway. You slightly sat up in your bed, which signalled to him that you had a nightmare once again.

He turned the lights off in the hallway, walked in and closed the door behind him. You were shaken. Almost visibly shaken. The rest of the night was spent by you being comforted, and you finally fell asleep peacefully.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now