Nightmares - SDR2

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Literally any typo I have in any part is mostly because I write most parts at midnight-

Hajime Hinata:

You were like most normal kids, getting nightmares every once in a while. Some nightmares were nothing, but others could easily make you pee your pants.

Tonight you had one of those nightmares, and you were in no way prepared to suddenly shoot up in your bed. You were shivering like never before, and as you looked down towards the carpet floor it looked like an endless abyss.

Luckily you hadn't peed your pants. Unluckily, using the small light coming from the sides of the window you spotted a spider sitting right infront of your face on your blanket. Of course, since you didn't really like spiders or bugs in general, you may or may not have screamed.

That alerted your father to run to your room, only for him to see you standing opposite your bed. Now with two things were making you even more terrified,"N/N? What happened?" At the sound of his voice you legged it to the door and hugged him,"N/N! What's wrong??" He hugged back.

"I-I woke up from a nightmare.. And there was a spider.." Hajime turned the lights on,"A spider on your bed?" He asked. You nodded.

Not to worry, all issues got sorted. You safely went back to sleeping knowing the spider won't bother you. And you didn't have another nightmare.

Nagito Komaeda:

You hated having nightmares. Not because they were scary, only because your dad somehow finds out you had one and starts blabbering on about hope and despair. As much as you knew he was actually quite an amazing dad, you wanted him to shut up every once in a while.

Tonight you had a nightmare about Nagito. Somehow. He was just going on and on and on and on about hope and despair. He was like a ghost attached to your soul. And as much as it torments you for your dad to figure out you had a nightmare, he did find out the very next day. Somehow. By some magic.

So you were sitting in your living room, watching TV and Nagito finally brought up his discovery,"Y/N, did you have a nightmare last night by chance?" You kept quiet and just turned your head to look at him. A few moments of silence passed until he spoke up again,"Thought so, what was it about?" You didn't want to tell him but you had absolutely no choice.

".. You... Following me everywhere.. Talking about hope and despair.." Yup, those words would definitely trigger something inside his brain. And there was no getting out of this. Nagito had his usual 'innocent' smile plastered on his face,"Ah, how wonderful!"

And then you got lectured on hope and despair for the 100th time this month.

Peko Pekoyama:

You didn't actually have nightmares a lot. When you did they weren't that bad. But not this time. There was something off about the dream, it wasn't anything concrete but it was enough for you to call it a nightmare.

One thing that your mother did each night was check on you. Most nights she'd see you were sleeping peacefully, tucked in and happy. Tonight however was the opposite. In the small light coming from the hallway Peko could see you slightly shivering. On top of that you were curled up almost as if protecting yourself.

Your mother walked in and closed the door behind her quietly. She walked over and placed one hand on top of the blanket covering you,"Y/N..." She gently shook you. You still didn't wake up, however,"Y/N.." Peko shook you gently once more.

This time you did wake up, with tears brimming your eyes,"N/N are you okay..?" Your mother quietly asked. You didn't respond, you instead hugged her tightly, to which she hugged back. You may or may not have started to cry, sometimes the tough girl act wouldn't work,"It's okay.. Would you like to talk about it?" She asked you. You shook your head and she respected your wish.

There wasn't a need to wake up your dad, and sooner or later you calmed down and went back to bed.

Sonia Nevermind:

Growing up with a mother who absolutely loves serial killer stories and the occult is wierd. Sometimes that causes you nightmares. And today it did. You were in bed, gripping your blankets, wondering why you had that nightmare. The answer was pretty obvious of course.

There wasn't really a reason for Sonia to be awake in the first place, and there wasn't a real reason for her to check on you. She just wanted to know you were okay. But you weren't.

As she opened the doors to your room faint light seeped through. You had a nightlight for reading, and currently you had it turned on since you were so scared,"Y/N? Why are you awake?" your mother asked. You brushed away some tears,"I-I had a nightmare.." You said.

Sonia walked in and closed the door behind her, afterwards proceeding to walk over and hug you,"Would you like me to stay with you tonight?" She asked whilst gently rubbing your back. You nodded in response, you really needed comforting.

Sooner or later you had both fallen asleep peacefully, and had quite a good night's rest.

Mahiru Koizumi:

Your mother was the type of mother who watches over you to make sure nothing that sets off nightmares happens. And by your request she got you a dream catcher. All of that worked most of the time, not all of the time but most of the time.

It didn't really work tonight, seeing as you were sitting up in bed and shivering like crazy. From the small crack in between your door and the door frame you saw that the lights were turned on in the living room. That was a good timing, other wise you'd have to run down the darkened hallway.

You slowly got up from your bed, holding onto the side to support yourself. You walked over to the door, turning the doorknob for your eyes to be blinded by the living room lights.

"Mom...?" You called out and Mahiru turned her head to look at you from the couch. At the immediate sight of your shakiness she got up to come and comfort you.

Afterwards you went back to sleep peacefully.

Kazuichi Soda:

Right, you don't usually have nightmares like the one you had tonight but it might've been inevitable. Currently in history class you were learning about the victorian era and how many women and children would get injured because of heavy machinery. Your father was a mechanic, so that meant he dealt with heavy machinery most of the time.

That may or may not have caused you to have nightmares about something like getting hurt because of heavy machinery. It was, however, a tiny bit gory. Now knowing that, you were sitting up on your bed and on the verge of crying. You decided that it'd be better to go and alert your dad instead of bottling it in (wow, smart).

You stood up and walked out into the hallway, continuing to walk down it whilst feeling the wall to figure out where the door exactly was. Finally you found the door and opened it with a slight crash, luckily that was enough to wake up your dad. The only thing you could see about him was his bright pink hair but that didn't matter.

"Y/N? Why are you awake??" He said in a somewhat groggy voice. Without saying anything you ran over and hugged him,"Did you have a nightmare..??" He asked and you nodded. Even though he himself was pretty emotional and is absolutely terrified at seeing things that were in your dream he did his best to hide it just to make you feel better.

And he did get you to feel better. Finally you went back to bed and slept until 12 pm the next day-

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now