Request - Teruteru Hanamura Pt. 2

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Requested by: @Alyza39

So sorry this took so long, I just hope I didn't rlly let you down with this bc I did struggle writing Teruteru's dialogue in character (Tbh sadly it is mostly OOC by the looks of it). I'm also sorry that some of these are rlly short, I wasn't rlly sure what to write for them.

Siblings scenario is non-canon, aka the sibling will be in that scenario only.


You didn't want siblings. You were fine with being an only child, you didn't need a brother or sister. You didn't need someone scribbling on your drawings because they were trying to copy you like they're your student. You didn't want someone to just steal your stuff and come into your room without permission.

Teruteru was tasked with telling you about the decision that they wanted to adopt another child. You were sitting in your room, doodling away on the pages of your English homework, when there was a knock on the door. A particular knock. You and your parents had made a system a while back where each of you would have a certain knock so you knew who was outside of the door.

"Come in."

You stared down the door as it opened, then shifting your eyes to your dad,"We have some news, but only I'm here to tell you." Teruteru fiddled with his hair, it was a bit of a nervous fidget for him. You turned with your swivel chair,"We've been talking about this for a while.. But we're going to adopt a little sibling." You felt angry, if you had to be honest,"We know we didn't ask you what you thought.. And we'll talk about this over dinner too."

You looked away,"But what if they're like, annoying.. We're not gonna get along.." You mumbled. Teruteru sighed,"I know N/N, we can talk about it more at dinner though don't worry." He tried to reassure you.

Later you were somewhat convinced it might go well, and was a tad bit happy Teruteru came to tell you before you all discussed it over dinner, seeing as if it was only the 2 of you talking you wouldn't have such a dramatic reaction than you usually do.


Why would you of all people need to be babysat? You were a perfectly behaved child, you could've just been left at home to look after yourself like a big girl.... But helping out in the diner wasn't that bad sometimes.

Usually you would help as a waitress, since it was one of the easier jobs. Usually if a Karen tried to argue everyone else around you would back you up.

It was safe to say that if you were berated by anyone, everyone else would go against them because who would berate a child trying to help?

Teruteru knew all too well that he was able to trust you to keep yourself safe, since your school teaches you self defense. His chosen babysitters where the people coming to the diner. You wouldn't act up around them, nothing would really happen.

Some days if you'd stayed home, your babysitter would be grandma. She'd make you some snacks and then you'd help her around the house if she needed help. She was an angel though, and you were very grateful to have grandma around you.


You weren't a particularly sporty person, not that you were bad at it you just didn't want to do it. You were actually pretty good at football whether you liked to admit it or not.

A lot of the times when you actually needed to go to Parents Evening your dad was really keen on going to PE first just to see what your old hag of a teacher had to say about you.

Today was actually sports day, the day you dreaded the most because both of your parents would be there for a but to cheer you on and then go back to the diner.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now