Nightmares - V3

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Make sure there's no spiders on your bed lol
(Also sorry I half arsed Kaede's-I wasn't really sure what to write-)

Kaede Akamatsu:

You didn't have nightmares a lot, but then you started having the same nightmare over and over again. It was both annoying and terrifying and you weren't sure why it was happening.

Sure, your mom did her best to comfort you knowing that you loved Claire De Lune and music like that, but you felt as if it wasn't going to work tonight. Yet you still got up from your comfy bed and went to Kaede's room to seek comfort.

You knocked on the door and opened it slowly,"Mom.." The door creaked and Kaede woke up. She helped you calm down and go back to bed, this time without music.

Shuichi Saihara:

You were actually having a nap in your dad's room while he was either doing paperwork or texting Kokichi to stop annoying everyone, you weren't sure which but it was one of the two.

And then a sudden reality hit you as in your dream everything started going horribly wrong. Awfully wrong. It was like every negative emotion merging into one and trying to stab you and you ran away.

Before you knew it you had woken up, curled up on your father's bed. Shuichi was sitting at his desk, and your sudden movements made him look towards you. You were shivering in agonising fear as Shuichi got up and sat next to you.

No words were spoken as you hugged him tightly, he hugged back and tried to to comfort you the best he could. Your father wasn't the best at comforting others but he'd always try his best.

You calmed down after a short while but you weren't able to get to sleep.

Kaito Momota:

You were a bit of a scaredy cat to be quite fair. You acted all tough and then when something happens you'd run to your parents because you're terrified. And those sort of moments were just all fun and games.

Except for nightmares.

When you had nightmares, which basically all children are terrified of getting, you were always crying. And this time it was the same. You woke up and started crying, you were basically scared shitless. You had immediately woken up before being attacked by the monster in your dream. Like all nights you had nightmares you got up from bed in a very shaken manner. You slowly walked over to the door and opened it, the light from the hallway drowning out the luminescent star stickers on your ceiling.

Only your dad was awake, he was probably waiting for your mom to get home from work. Well that didn't matter, you were crying and needed comfort.

The TV was on so you personally had to walk over,"Dad..." At first Kaito couldn't hear you. When you called out again he turned to look towards you.

And he may have failed to comfort you at first but you finally calmed down by laughing at his slight stupidity, and then you went back to bed.

Miu Iruma:

Now hold on, who said you had nightmares? You don't.

That was a lie of course you have nightmares. Usually nightmares you can just shrug off and go immediately back to sleep afterwards. Tonight however you had a nightmare that almost made you cry.

Currently, you were hugging one of your plushies like it was the end of the world. And to be honest it was the end of the world, until you remembered your mother could be awake at this time on night and luckily her room was right across from yours.

Just hope you don't walk into anything unsavoury.

And you didn't luckily. But you did wake her up and she was quite a bit unhappy she couldn't get her beauty sleep but she should've expected that since she has a child.

You were standing at the door still clutching your plushie,"Y/N?? Why are you awake??" She sounded really tired but you did not give a single shit. You sprinted to the bed and almost fell,"I had a nightmare.." Miu sighed and patted the space next to her,"Come on." you climbed onto the bed as she hugged you.

Despite her usual personality she actually did a good job at calming you down.

Kokichi Ouma:

Your nightmares were HORRIFIC. Luckily you didn't have them often, but tonight you had one. And you were not ready to wake up crying.

You turned your light on and then you remembered, your door has a slight gap at the bottom and the light was going into the hallway.

And your door opened so you quickly wiped your tears,"N/N? Why is your light on??" Your dad asked you whilst staring at you through the doorway. You, like the idiot you are, decided to lie,"I needed to go to the toilet.." you of course sounded like you were crying.

And of course Kokichi immediately knew you were lying,"Y/N don't lie."
"... I had a nightmare.." You confessed about your lie and he looked at you slightly disappointed,"Why would you lie about that?"

He finally found a way to calm you down and you went to sleep safe and sound.

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