Detention - THH

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Oh? Are you going through a rebellious stage? Just kidding! But why are you in detention?

Warning!!!: This contains mentions of assault and bullying.

Makoto Naegi:

You weren't even talking back to the stupid teacher. You were doing your work as usual. But before the teacher stopped talking you picked up your pen. Huge mistake, to be honest with you. Your teacher gave you your first warning, and when you did it two more times gave you your second and third warnings. And you couldn't stress it enough, the last time you picked up your pen was AFTER the teacher finished talking and she sent you to detention. And your dad was called, yipee for you.

So here you were, waiting for him to arrive so he can help you stand up against that teacher for giving you a detention for doing nothing wrong.

Finally, Makoto got there. You looked at him as he walked through the doors, looking worried,"Y/N what happened??" He asked. You looked at him and your facial expression immediately told him.

Usually when a kid was given detention in your school, they'd call the parent to talk with the principal. And so the principal walked in looking all high and mighty. Your father sat down next to you and the principal sat behind her desk, in front of both of you.

"Y/N. Would you care to explain to your father why you're here or would you like me to??" The principal asked. You yourself explained everything from your point of view. That you were doing nothing that was that bad.

Makoto was on your side. Your detention was let off and you got to go back to class. And you also requested to have a different teacher for that subject so you'll be moving classes soon.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

You had been accused of stealing school equipment. Context to this, recently some kids from some of your classes had been stealing school equipment like rulers, pens and gluesticks. And subsequently, they had pinned that crime onto you and you were not happy about it.

Your mother was called into school, since of course they'd need to talk about temporary exclusion for stealing, which you didn't do.

Finally Kyoko walked into the room and sat down next to you quietly,"Thank you for getting here. Your daughter has been stealing school equipment over the past few weeks, and it'd have to be a temporary suspension from school." the principal started. You rolled your eyes at most of that, plus your mother would turn her detective switch on and basically prove the principal wrong,"Did you check the CCTV?" your mother asked.

The principal took a small second to reply,"No. But according to a bunch of other students she was the one stealing."
"If she was stealing I would've seen all of the equipment, I pack her bag. Couldn't it be possible the kids that testified took the equipment?" the principal was a bit shook by Kyoko's statement.

Your mother looked down at you, and you handed your bag to her. She looked through and found no proof of you stealing,"Just as I suspected. She has nothing in her bag that'd prove she's stealing. I'd like it if you checked the CCTV." your mother stated.

Sooner or later the principal got the CCTV tapes on and what do you know, the stupid kid called Brad and some of his other friends had been stealing equipment.

The principal promptly apologised and you got to go back to your class thanks to the best detective in town who was also your mother, Kyoko Kirigiri.

Byakuya Togami:

You felt like you were dying. You were hurt. Not emotionally. You were hurt physically and mentally. You could no longer call Aoi Owada your friend. You were terrified of her.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now