An Ultimate - THH

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Makoto Naegi:

You're just living a normal life and trying your best to survive school. Hell, you're literally in the first year of high school, you actually NEED to focus on keeping everything good, otherwise you would be living in hell for the rest of your time there.

Only recently, however, you had been moved up into the top class of the top history set. And you had also been recognised as the star student or your class, which really made you look like a huge nerd and you were kind of scared about it. It made you look like a teacher's pet.

Nevertheless, the topic of Hope's Peak Academy was something you'd have to learn about in school, and maybe just luckily enough both of your parents had been enrolled into it. Your dad was the Ultimate Lucky Student and your mother was the Ultimate Detective. Well, they were one of them, there are multiple Ultimate detectives. And each year a student was chosen by a lucky draw, and your dad was one of those students.

As you were in class your teacher mentioned something,"I know someone in here could be enrolled as the Ultimate Historian." And her gaze turned towards you. Was this a compliment? Were you one of the favourites? You turned to your friend who was sitting on your table and mouthed 'WHY IS SHE LOOKING AT ME?' and your friend mouthed back 'Because you're way too good at History' and now you weren't sure whether to take what the teacher said seriously.

And after that experience a lot of people you knew would keep mentioning you to someone else and saying you might as well be an Ultimate Historian, there was nothing you didn't know. And if you were to be enrolled into Hope's Peak then you would be written into history and not just be a boring side character of other people's lives.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

You sister was only recently recognised by others to be some sort of Ultimate. She was working towards her hobby, finding out about history, it was inevitable. She also had a pretty good memory which came in handy to remember everything.

You weren't really special like Kaori, you were okay at everything. You would get average grades, like Bs and As, and performed perfectly fine in class. It wasn't much.

But all of this attention to her affected you. And your mother caught on. Of course she did. You were jealous. You hated to admit it but you were jealous of your sister.

"Y/N, can we talk for a second?" You nodded and your mother pulled you aside,"Are you jealous?" She asked. You looked away,"No.."

"Tell the truth, your actions recently tell me you are jealous." Kyoko stated. Sure your dad wouldn't have noticed until you did something that made you very visibly jealous. On the other hand, your mother could very easily notice odd behaviours.

"It's... Its not fair! I want to be called an Ultimate too!" Kyoko sighed,"Y/N... It doesn't matter if you're an Ultimate or not.." What was she talking about? She was an Ultimate, and so was your dad, and now your sister is. You can't help being jealous. Being talentless in this world was like being nothing.

At this point if you got into Hope's Peak you'd need to wish it was by the lottery.

Byakuya Togami:

Talent this talent that. In school talents were always brought up, and how rare they could be or how amazing they are. You couldn't help but listen in to conversations, and so you'd be listening about how your dad was an Ultimate and HER dads were Ultimates.

And one day when you were listening in to a conversation a wierd topic came up,"You know how Y/N's dad was the Ultimate Affluent Progeny?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now