Becoming Part Of Their World - V3

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Welcome to part 3 of each character marginally regretting their desicions to be parents.

Kaede Akamatsu:

Even though Kaede had been touring the country recently to do piano concerts and participate in competitions, she'd have to stop soon. She was having a child of her own, and between her fans there'd been a theory she was. Of course she hadn't told the public but why would she? Well anyways, it was becoming more and more obvious each month.

Soon she'd announce to her fans and the public that she will be taking time off. She didn't say why but being her she was confident in everyone that they wouldn't question a lot. And they didn't, but a lot of them were curious.

During her pregnancy she would often play music on her piano for her baby, just like other mothers would put headphones on their stomach for their child to hear from the womb if that is humanly possible.

She was also happy that she'd be able to hold her child soon. But a thought that made her rather insecure was that if she goes around the country after her child's birth, would she have to leave her child at home each time? Even so who would she leave her child with?

She could ask her friend Shuichi but he is as equally as busy as her. Kaito was constantly training to go to space, Kokichi was a bit of a troublemaker, and Maki.. Actually Kaede wasn't sure what Maki was up to.

Right now wasn't the time to worry about that. Worrying more would make things worse.

Soon enough it was time for her to go to the hospital. Her little angel would enter the world.

She was overjoyed to hold her child, and she was overjoyed to be a parent.

Shuichi Saihara:

Actually he wasn't expecting to be a parent, at all. All he was doing was walking home after a long day at work. His brain was still working and trying to figure out an answer to everything (Basically playing Hangman's Gambit).

It wasn't long after he set off that he passed by an alleyway, dread looming from inside. That silence alleyways usually had wasn't there. Instead Shuichi could hear a small baby crying.

His natural curiosity got ahold of him as he chose to walk down and investigate the cries. And there he found the source of the cries.

A small baby was wrapped in a baby blue coloured blanket. It was placed against a wall, a very cold one at that. Shuichi picked the child up, not really sure how to hold it,"Who left their child here..?" There was no one else there, neither was there anyone on the street outside.

Shuichi held the child close. He was confused about why the baby was there, the parents could've just left it at an adoption centre.He couldn't leave the baby here either. It would die if he did.

Shuichi took the baby home with him that night, and raised it as his own.

Maki Harukawa:

It was safe to say both her and Kaito were happy with having the child. Happy might've been an understatement, especially for Kaito. He showed his happiness more than his spouse, yet everyone knew Maki was as happy as he was.

Well, the time was almost there when Maki would have to go to the hospital and Kaito would have to hold her hand whilst looking away because knowing him he'd pass out if he looked.

The night beforehand both of them tried to get as much sleep as possible. They'd probably be staying up all day tomorrow.

The next day came and some of their excitement had dulled down, they were a bit anxious. They'd have to see how things turn out.

After hours and hours, their little star came into the world. Maki was near to falling asleep, she was extremely exhausted of course.

After the nurses let Kaito hold the baby, they let Maki hold it. Finally she was going to look after a child that was actually her own.

Miu Iruma:

So, long story short she banged some random guy and dealt with the consequences. But of course the consequences wouldn't stop the legendary inventor herself, Miu Iruma.

All throughout those hellish 9 months she just continued working on her inventions as much as possible. Her visits by Kiibo were constantly littered with him questioning her if she really should be working while she's in the third trimester, she would just brush him off and say it was fine.

Once the baby did actually arrive she took a pause from her inventions, actually being an amazing mother.

Kokichi Oma:

He was a troublemaker, sure, but really he was exceptionally smart which helped with his petty crimes. Let's be real, he wouldn't think about having a kid until another member of D.I.C.E had one. And then he'd consider it, having a small Ray of sunshine in your life.

But then he looked at the cons of having a child, you know like being up late or having to deal with whatever annoying thing the kid was up to.

But to him, it felt as if the pros outweighed the cons. He might be a bad influence to his child, you know because of what his whole group is about. Still maybe he'd change how he acted around his kid to influence them into a good person. The lying skill payed off.

And so one day without any thought he went down to an adoption centre. That was the day he'd have his own kid and have to act like a real responsible parent.

Let's just hope the other members of D.I.C.E don't influence the kid.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now