Time To Go - THH

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Makoto Naegi:

You weren't exactly thrilled to go in the present moment, you were tired and just wanted to go back to bed. You were supposed to be at the entrance ceremony at 8 am, and it was better to be at the school atleast 30 minutes early.

That being said, the time to get to Hope's Peak Academy from your house was 1 hour and you had to get up at like 5:30 am. Your mind was wandering back and forth, you were going to be going to Hope's Peak Academy. You were going to be set for life. That was astonishing. Something everyone dreams about. Compared to you, your sister was jumping up and down, full of energy and ready to go.

You were both in class 102, accompanied by people like the Ultimate Liar and Ultimate Impersonator. How do you know? Well, much like your dad back in the day you also did some research online. It was actually a bit better that you knew who was in your class, it comforted you just a tiny bit.

You were standing at the front door with your sister and your parents. You were getting driven there of course, you had all your stuff packed for the dorms there and all you really needed was the uniform. Since you were the Ultimate Historian you didn't need to have normal clothes. Compared to an Ultimate mechanic or Ultimate chef who actually needed work uniforms to I guess do their jobs better.

"Alright, are you both ready?" Your father asked. Your sister nodded eagerly as you rubbed your eyes, yawned and nodded,"Let's go." Kyoko said. You all boarded the car and you set off to your future.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

You had just arrived at Hope's Peak along with your sister. You were ecstatic. Your dream was being put into action. You were incredibly lucky too, every normal person could only dream of getting in as the Ultimate Lucky Student. You weren't dreaming, it was actually happening.

You were in the backseat and as the school of your dreams came into view a wierd sense of dread came over you. You were going to miss your parents. You were a reliant person, you couldn't help it. It was going to be wierd, unnatural and maybe a bit scary. But that was fine, you could get through it. You were going to be scared and that was fine. It's part of being human.

It dawned upon you that you were more average than everyone else in the class. You would be part of a class with people who were exceptional at what they did, and you were just normal at everything.

You got out of the car, it was parked in front of the school. You looked to your sister who had the same expression as you, aka you were both in awe at how big the school was.

"Have a nice day, both of you!" Makoto smiled. Your mother nodded and also smiled,"Tell the teachers if anything bad happens, we can sort it out." She said. You all went into a group hug,"And Y/N," Makoto said,"You'll be okay with all of the ultimates. You also have your sister, everything will turn out just fine." You nodded.

You and your sister walked in side by side, occasionally throwing glances at eachother.

Well done, have fun.

Byakuya Togami:

You didn't really have an emotional send off. Although Byakuya was there to see you walk into the school it didn't really mean anything. Your little brothers were there, Toko was there... Yeah basically your whole family was there, even if Toko wasn't your family.

On the way there you were quiet, and staring out of the window. You were in class 100 and you didn't really know who was in your class. Around the time you got accepted into Hope's Peak you heard rumours that girl got into Hope's Peak too. If she did then it'd be game over, you couldn't be in the same class.

You'll find out sooner or later, but all you needed to think about right now was how you could just live up to expectations,"Y/N, will you send letters to us like they do in that one movie?" and Haru just dug himself into a ditch. You weren't allowed to watch movies so when your father heard this you knew something bad was going to happen.

"I will be making sure you're on top of class every month, Y/N." Your father said as you looked towards him,"Don't fail." He added on and you nodded.

Wow, such encouraging words.

Nevertheless, you had finally arrived at Hope's Peak Academy. It was as big as you expected. There were two paths, one you assumed was leading into the Reserve Course and the other to the main course. You stepped out of the limo and noticed your brothers who were staring up at the school,"It's so big!!" One of them exclaimed. You nodded.

Toko bit her nail,"I-it's not even t-that impressive.." She said. Byakuya pushed his glasses up and looked away,"For once I agree with you." He said.

Your father? Agreeing with Toko? That's an extremely rare occurance,"But you've both been students here, of course it's not impressive." You said. Your father scoffed,"It's about time for you to go inside." He said.

Your little brothers clinged onto you, saying their goodbyes. You waved goodbye to Toko and your father as you walked off.

Well done for making it this far.

Mondo Owada:

"But can't dad drive me on the motorcycle!" You whined,"No, and that is my final answer!" Taka responded. You pouted. Your sister opened the door,"Let's gooo!" She said. You all boarded the car and set off to Hope's Peak Academy.

You didn't think you'd get so emotional, but it was kind of expected. You never thought you'd get here, and it was thanks to your family and yourself.

And so your dad parked the car,"Alright, you got everything?" You nodded. It seems the tears got ahold of your sister as well,"Bye Y/N.." She said after all of you got out of the car. She hugged you and you hugged back, hearing her sniffle,"Ayaka it's fine.. I'll text you every night.." You rubbed her back. Your sister nodded,"Okay.." She replied.

You all went in for a group hug,".. I'm gonna miss you guys so much.." You said. Your father patted you on the back,"Don't worry. You'll be perfectly fine in there, and you can call us any time!" He said. Taka spoke up,"Well not any time because we might be busy, but you get the point." You sadly smiled.

"Y/N you should head in now! You can't be late for the entrance ceremony!" Taka said. You nodded, and started walking off into the school. You turned looked back at them, to see them waving goodbye. You waved back and continued into the building.

Well done, you've grown even more.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

You were so ready for the entrance ceremony. You had everything ready, like always. Your sister had come home for the break before she moved up. So here you were, being driven to Hope's Peak and you were asking your sister about how things were,"Yeah so basically there's an exam in the middle of the school year where they test you on your talent - all I really needed to do was sprint as fast as possible, yours will be easier. If someone in your class is Ultimate Lucky Student they won't get tested."

"Oh - is it stressful?" You asked. She shrugged,"Depends on the person, I wasn't too stressed." She said as the car stopped. You all got out,"Here we are.." Your sister said. Taka and Mondo hugged you,"Like we said to your sister, you'll be alright in there. Don't worry, you have a lot of confidence Y/N." Your father said. You nodded and hugged back. It lasted a little while before they let go and your sister ruffled your hair,"You'll be alright with Aoi." Mondo said.

Taka smiled warmly,"Alright! Don't be late to the entrance ceremony, Y/N!" He said. You smiled and nodded.

You and your sister walked side by side into the school, and you were happy in the comfort that you could confide in her whenever.

Well done, you are making them proud.

Danganronpa Parent Scenarios! (THH, SDR2, V3 + Fem!Y/N) || ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕊 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻!Where stories live. Discover now