More than a bestfriend

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Tyler Pov
We had just sat down on the sofa with our popcorn ready, starting to watch Mean Girls. It was, as cheesy as it sounds, 'our movie'
Half way threw the movie i noticed Troye sleeping, so peacefully. He was so cute, so beautiful, so amazing, wait shit i cant think these things, ugh life.

I gently put my hand on his arm and shook gently. He groaned and opened his eyes slightly
"Troye babe, lets go to bed okay?"
"mmm" he murmered, starting to get up.
"No, ill get ya"
I lifted him up, finding out he was as light as he looked. I set him on the bed, taking his jacket and shoes off gently and put the covers round him. Then i got into my Pj and then got in beside him. i lay down and closed my eyes.
Troye pov
i woke up with a strong pair of arms around me, i looked around me and found they belonged to tyler. I smiled, comfortable and content. This was perfect. Me and tyler always shared a bed, it was normal, and somehow we always ended up like this but as i said before, this trip is different, i love him. fuck.
i love my bestfriend
"Tilllyyy come onnnn" I whined at me. We were going out to lunch and tyler was still fixing his hair.
"coming coming" he said as he grabbed his keys and we walked to the car
Me and Tyler were sitting at some cute little cafe for lunch, we had just finished out meals and were just talking now, I loved having talks with him.

"How's the music business treating ya?" he smirked
"So great, I wish you could be there with me"
Fuck that sounds desperate, well done troye.
"Me too babe, me too" He looked at his watch and got up, I looked at him confused

"We are going for a walk in the park, let's go"

we walked to the park across the road and went to the bench we always went to. This park meant a lot to both of us, it was when I told him I was gay, he obviously reacted great.
"I wish we could be together like this all the time" He said, I swore I could see his face screw up saying that

"Oh Tilly, don't cry, it'll be okay. We've worked it out before?"
"I know we can do it but I wish we were together. I need my bestfriend"

He put his head onto my shoulder and I put my arms around him as he held my hand.

"It'll be okay Ty, I love you"
knowing I meant it more then how he thought I did

Tyler Pov
"I love you too troye" meaning it more then my bestfriend. He will never like me. He's stunning, I'm just, me.
We walked to our car, hand in hand. This was perfect, I wish I wish....
Hey lol. short chapter so sorry!!like and comment if ya want more

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