let me give you a tip

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Troye Pov
We were all waiting on Tyler and Alfie coming back from getting our pizzas. We all sat on the sofa talking about life, having a really nice chat, i missed them so much.
We were currently on the topic of Casper and Joe moving in together.
"Itll just be easier to pay half together, and itll be fun" Casper said. On camera he was so hilarious but in real life he could be a serious sensible guy too, yeah thats right, Capser serious. Would you believe?
"So would it be in London then?" Marcus asked
"Well we still need to look at apartments but most likely yeah" Joe smiled. Him and Casper had been bestfriends for a while now, they were quite cute actually.
"So troye, hows your loverboy and you, huh?" Jim smirked and winking.
"Well i can tell you how theyre doing. Let me give you a tip, just because my room is at the other end of the house, does not mean sexual intercourse noises do not travel throughout the house" Joey smirked at me
He had heard?fuck fuck. Everyone had starting laughing and saying things like 'Ooohhhh' but i could feel my cheeks getting hotter
"Um can we not talk about that, god" I sniffed, embarrassed
"Awk guys, leave him alone. Troye can have sex with me anytime he wants" I heard Tylers voice behind me. I turned around about to smile when i felt his lips on mine, suddenly. I once again heard the 'Oooosss' back again and he let go and shouted 'Pizzaaaaa' in his loud tyler oakley way
Damn that pizza was good. we had just finished and we are now watching 'Remember me' with Robert Pattinson, I was the only one who hadnt watched it, and all they said was bring the tissues
2 hours later
i was crying into Tylers chest as he rubbed my back, letting me cuddle into him. I was thankful he didnt laugh at me for crying over a movie. It had just finished and i was a mess
"Troye remember when we said it was sad?" Zoe smirked
"Yeah Yeah" i hid my head into Tylers arms which were around me
"Aw baby its okay, everyone cries over it, i remember when i watched it with Marcus-"
"Tyler, say the story and ill punch you in places you dont even want to imagine" Marus glared, joking but serious as well
"Okay okay i wont" Tyler winked, "He cried like a baby the whole way through it and that night he stayed in my guest room, i still heard him sobbing his eyes out, shoot me" Tyler smirked, inocently
"TYLEROAKLEY" Marcus screamed, but he laughed.
"SHIT" tyler shouted as he pushed me off him, making me land on the floor, and started running away from Marcus.
Well gee thanks Ty
Tyler Pov
I found it funny that Marcus was so mad about crying, like i was hiding in a bath-tub right now, what the hell. Troyes crying over it, no big deal.
Shit shit shit i left my troye crying alone. I jumped out of the bath and ran downstairs, being chased by Marcus as he thought i was still playing. I ran to Troye who sat there on the ground, biting his thumb nails
"Babe im sorry, are you okay?" I asked,stroking his face
"Yes Tyler its just a stupid movie" He didnt look at me
since when does he call me tyler?
"Troye i mean im sorry for running off and pushing you off the sofa and leaving you here alone"
"Im not alone, everyones in the room next door-"
"Troye look at me"
He looked at me as i stared into his beautiful blue shiny eyes that just reminded me of the calm, peaceful ocean.
"Its okay Tilly, you were just having fun, i just feel stupid for crying now" He said blushing
"Everyone cries at that movie, its okay" He smiled and cuddled into my chest again and i brushed my hand threw his hair
"Tyler, if you and Troye werent so cute right now you would not be living, you get that right?" Marcus smiled
I winked as he joined the others in the kitchen, leaving me and Troye to cuddle, until i realised, he had fallen asleep.
Shit chapter, im so bad at these ugh😔😔😔😔😔thanks for readers, if there is any😓

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