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Troye Pov
Tyler and I were sitting in some cafe we found on the way to the airport called jacks bean. I had just gotten a donut and coffee and Tyler had gotten a pineapple smoothie.
"Ty, promise to talk every day" I told him
"Troye, of course i will. The time difference doesnt matter. Skype me whenever you want okay?" He told me
"Ill miss you so much tilly" I looked him in the eyes, keeping back the tears
"Me too, lets just be happy right now, together okay?"
"Yeah" i smiled and we continued talking and laughing normally until we had to leave for the airport
In the car we listened to Justin Bieber the whole way, neither of us being ashamed of knowing every word. I loved how i could be so normal with him, no faking just me. He parked and we walked hand in hand to the airport.
I got my tickets and everything and we walked to my gate, sitting down waiting for my flight call soon.
"Troye i just want you to know tha-"
"Oh my god!!!!" We heard girls screaming.
I turned around to see who was there but soon relalised they were looking at me and Tyler.
"I love you so much oh my god can i get a photo?!" The 2 girls asked.
We laughed and obviously said yes
"Thank you!!We love you together by the way!!" They giggled
"Aw thanks cuties, we love you to!" Tyler replied smiling
"Whats your names?" I asked smiling
"Lauren" the other said
"Do you have twitter?" I asked
"Yeah its Alana_Fa5y" Alana said
"Mine is LaurenHarper12" Lauren told us
I wrote it on my phone notes before we gave them one last hug and they left for their flights.
We sat down smiling, following them on twitter
"I love meeting fans" i announced
"Me too" Tyler agreed
We sat and talked for a bit before i heard my flight being called
we both stood up, not knowing what to do first. I felt tears in my eyes.
"Oh troye come here" He held out his arms and i hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go. At this point we were both crying
"Im gunna miss you so so much tilly" I cried into his arms
He let go and dried my tears away with his thumb.
"Call me when you get home okay?I love you so much troye, never forget it" Tyler told me
"I love you too Tilly" I heard my flight being called again
"Well i need to go i guess" i said faking a smile.
He gave me one last kiss before telling me he loved me one last time.
"I love you too Ty, talk soon baby" I smiled
We let go and i started walking towards my gate, turning round to wave goodbye.
"S'cuse me madame, do you have any pepsi?" I asked the flight attendant
"Certainly, one moment sir" She smiled
"Thank you"
I had been on the flight for 9 hours now. I had decided to get a direct flight, saving time instead of having to get onto a new flight and everything.
The lady brought me my drink before i settled down watching a movie Tyler had recommended to me, called 'San Adreas' about an earthquake or something. Damn this would be a long flight.
Tyler Pov
Sitting on the couch on my own was shit. I wanted my Troye to cuddle into me while eating the whole nutella jars in my cupboards. I needed Troye for everything.
I decided to call Connor.
Connor- Dude hey!
Tyler- Hey con, ya busy?
Connor- Just finished eating dinner you?
Tyler- Troye just left so im pretty bummed actually. Can u come over?
Connor- Sure, see ya soon
Tyler- Yup
I hung up smiling. Me and connor used to be real close, we still were but not as close as we used to be and i dont really know why but i know i missed him.
Connor and Tyler are bae,bestfriends cuties

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