Lazy day

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Tyler Pov
I woke up to the sound of waves and in someones arms, clearly Troyes. I rubbed my eyes and untangled Troyes arms careful not to wake him up.
I thought about the day before and how i could make being a dick up to him before Troye woke. He rubbed his eyes and gave me a big grin
"Morning beautiful" he said in his sexy sleepy voice, "lie down ty" he opened his arms
"Troye, at home okay?"
"Wh-" he had clearly forgotten we were on a beach
"Ty, im sorry again"
"Me too now lets go home babe"
I held out my hand and we walked to the car
Troye Pov
When we got home we both callasped on the sofa in eachothers arms, our legs wrapped around eachother.
"I never want to leave" I mumbled into tylers chest
"I know baby but itll only be a month and then Vidcon. We can skype everyday, dont worry"
Thats one thing i love about Tyler, hes so comforting whether im upset or angry, he just makes me calm and peaceful, like nothing else matters, but us two together.
"What time do we leave for the airport tomorrow?" tyler asked me
"Well my flight is at 5pm but i have to be at the airport for 3 so i think we would have to leave at about 2, we could stop for coffee on the way there, like our last date, well last date of my hoilday i guess" I answered, noticing how Tyler hung onto my every word, this time
"Great, 2 it is. Ill set an alarm for 10 in case we sleep in"
We both laughed as we know we are both capable of doing that

Tyler got off the sofa and walked to the bedroom, i guessed he was setting his alarm but then i heard running water. I walked into the bedroom but he wasnt there. I went to the bathroom door to find it locked
"Em ty, what are you doing?"
"Getting a shower duhh" He sassed me, the bitch.
"Em why did you lock the door?"
"I did?Sorry its a habit" I could tell he was lying
"Tyler, unlock the door, i need a shower too you know"
It was already 11am, and Tyler had one bathroom so getting ready was a struggle for both of us.
"I cant im in the shower, be patient boy"
I rolled my eyes and went to his cupboards to find something sharp. I looked in his shirt drawer and found a random bit of metal, like it was off a broken hair clip or something
'Bingo' i thought. I undressed in the bedroom and carefully attempted to open the bathroom door quietly so he would hear me.
After a few gos i heard a 'click'.
i rolled my eyes at him locking the door, again and hopped beside him in the shower. His back was to me so i was able to wrap my arms around him.
"Fuck" He jumped and i laughed
"How did you get in?" He laughed
"Because my sisters obsessed with pretty little liars"
I kissed his neck, leaving him a hickey to look at when we got out. He moans while i did it
"You know your the only boy to make me moan" He commented
"Well i have that effect on many" I sassed
He turned round to face me
"shut up"
"make me big boy" i joked
without giving me time to speak he pushed me against the wall and brought me into a hard, agressive kiss. I love when tylers like this. He forcefully put his tounge in my mouth and this time it was my turn to moan. This would be fun
Tyler Pov
The reactions of our coming out videos had been amazing on both channels and twitter had blown up, literally it didnt work for ten minutes because of our video, well fuck!Me and Troye just kept tweeting how happy we were that 99/100 people were happy and shipped Troyler. We got the odd comment saying 'faggot' or 'Yous are too ugly, so i guess yous deserve eachother' but we just laughed, well i did, im not sure whether Troye took it to heart or not, i dont think he did though.
We had decided to have a lazy day today because it was our last full day, so we just wanted to sit in together watching movies and cuddling in the sofa
"Wanna do a full marathon of Gossip Girl?" He smiled
"You know it girl"
So we did. We made the popcorn, we cuddled into eachother, kissed the odd time (once i found myself on top of him, dont ask) and well, we were just enjoying eachothers company, happy that we could be at peace together, no more fights, just us before we would be seperated

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