Zalfie-Wedding Day-Part 2

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Troye Pov
After the ceremony we had got a huge dinner in the hotel beside the maze. We had decided to have the after party at the maze also, so while we had ate, the place was being done up in loads of fairy lights above the dance floor. Behind the dance floor was the cutest thing id ever seen. Joe and Marcus had made a video of all Zoe and Alfies videos, from their very first to their very recent. It was super cute. The girls has changed into comfier dresses, Zoes standing out as it was bright teal and sparkly, typical Zoe dress!
Now we were all dancing, sober. Zoe had ordered very little wine but not any beers because she didnt want a huge drunk wedding.
I was nearly time for the speechs, which me and Tyler had done together.
We heard the music go down and we all sat on the seats.
"Hi everyone, Im Zoes dad and id like to start off the speechs....."
After Zoes dad, her mom spoke then Alfies mom and dad spoke together. Then some of the youtubers spoke. Joe, Casper, Niomi and Marcus together, Jim and Tanya together and then Joey and Connor. Louise was getting up to speak now.
"Hey everyone, im Louise, Zoes chummy" She spoke, making everyone laugh, "So im not going to make this long but id just like to say how happy i am for both of yous. Both of yous have a very special place in my heart and i couldnt imagine life without my chummy and the love of her life. I wish yous the very best and let me tell you, Alfie, if you screw this up, your not getting any better girl to be your wife" Everyone laughed as she walked off the stage, hugging both of them. Now it was mine and Troyes turn.
Troye started first, "So seeing yous at the ceremony today made me cry like a baby because of how perfect yous are together. Me and Tyler have been lucky enough to know yous both for a lot of years and have grown very close to both of yous. I wish yous the very very best for your future ahead of you" he finished and i stepped forward,
"Repeating what Troye said, yous are amazing people that deserve the very best and i believe yous have that together. Im not going to say some sassy comment like i usually would since this is your special day so ill finish off with wishing yous the best marriage life yous could ever want to have together"
We walked off the stage, everyone clapping. We hugged both of them, kissing Zoes cheek and then sitting in our seat again.
After the speechs everyone danced on the dance floor to the midnight memories album.
"Tyler come dance with me" Troye said, dragging me away from talking to Connor.
He held my hands and we danced, not caring that both of us were shit.

When the night was over, a lot of people had left except for the familys and most of the youtube friends who were all staying to watch them drive to the airport.
"Bye everyone we love yous all!!!" Zoe shouted from her window.
Alfie waved his hand out the window and drove away.
"This has been a fab day hasnt it" Troye smiled, leaning in to kiss me
"It certainly has" i agreed, giving him the kiss he wanted before letting go to say our goodbyes to everyone before we headed back to our hotel
Troye Pov
"Did i mention how gorgeous you looked today babe" Tyler smiled, getting into bed beside me.
"Did i tell you?"
"Indeed you did" he smirked
"Then yes i think you did mention it" i winked before turning the light off and cuddling into my one and only love.

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